

The main purpose is to enable advertising revenue and the Ink support. After reaching 250 subscribers, sub 4 sub doesn't matter as much. At least for me it's like that - after I reached 250, I wasn't as actively seeking sub 4 sub as when I first started. But if someone needs my help, I'll stil…

I thought of it as 'fake views and subs' when I started, but from the other side they aren't. Many of the creators who regularly participate in sub4sub threads here are excellent readers, likers, and commenters. These are the people who are with you for the long haul, checking up on series as they p…

Personally I don't like it. Because it makes the number of subscriptions a person has meaningless. If you see a comic with a lot of subscriptions you can't know if it's truly popular or not, maybe a lot of people liked it, or maybe they just did a lot of trades.

Some people need a little boost to help them keep posting, just so they're not stuck on zero, which is fine. Personally, I don't like it. I'd rather have people who sub out of interest, but I've been posting online for a while so numbers don't matter as much to me.