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- Oct 4, '18
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- Jul 1, '24
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- Jul 12, '24
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Literally could not be any newer
I'm a decently competent artist with a small following on social media. I even had a Patreon that had 1 (ONE!) subscriber at the £1 tier. I've been inactive on social media for a while though, partly because I don't have a clearly defined art goal. I have always wanted to take my art more seriousl…
Would anyone appreciate a stream where it's just me learning to draw? I've noticed that most 'how to draw' content on YouTube is a professional artist telling you what they've learned. But what about actually seeing a more amateur artist actually go through the learning process themselves? I think t…
I want to make a wiki-like place for my comic for mainly internal use. I feel like it could be a great reference to characters, ideas and concepts that I may want to use in the future. Only problem is though, I can't find a good solution to put it all together. I tried using Fandom, which was perf…
Did not realise so many people had replied, I will read all of these!
this but cut out 'work'
Art memes are some of the funniest out there to me, but they are difficult to find... so let's ask the audience instead! Comment below your favourite art-related meme.
Yeah it's a fictional one. When you put it that way, I guess the newbie is a necessary element. Maybe I can make a new character, but not direct too much focus on them? Someone casual who is tagging along and having a good time, something like that...
The 'Complicated Hobby' genre as I like to call it, is when the comic or manga is centered around some hobby, like kayaking or card-collecting or in my case, a fictional fighting game. These kinds of stories tend to have two main characters, a newbie who is new to the hobby, and a veteran who introd…
Can relate, self-esteem issues + social media is a terrible combo. I'm not sure where those issues came from in my case though, think I've always been this way I hate what social media has done to me, I be damned if something I post doesn't do numbers, damned if I do because I'm worried I can't ke…
The common thread in all these critiques is that they tell more about the reader than they do about your story
don't know about critiques I've received personally but I always laugh at the 'artist: draws breasts ever so slightly off-shape' to 'viewer: hAvE yOu EvEr SeEn A rEaL wOmAn BeFoRe' critiques
I have a theory that music theory and storytelling are somewhat related, in that with music can also structured like a story. However I know nothing about music theory lol Was wondering if any music experts out there could give any insight?
Amazing points, even if you can't draw, you can still make an effort to get a general understanding of how comics work
Ah true, when I first wrote it I was thinink about writers for comics lol. But got a lot of good answers so I'm happy it turned out this way
We often talk about why a story is good or elements of storytelling that can be used to enhance a story, but what about good traits that a writer can can have that, in time, will benefit their stories overall? For example, a writer who takes criticism from others, or a writer who goes out and has ex…
I'm taking a break now and waiting for more to build up. Will resume again soon!
So I'm making a fighting game comic which is on hiatus right now, in the middle of an arc The problem is I can't decide whether to continue with the arc or just start anew. The arc has taken way too long (which is why it went on hiatus in the first place) but I have some really cool fights and cha…
@Everyone Stream is up now! --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUMCmBLJeWw
@Everyone stream will start at 7:30PM UK time, in about 1 and a half hours! @Wezboy @Lunar-Turtle @waweezer3 I'll be reading your comics this time! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjrREw0RZDgBTIRDHbKofZA Will notify again when the stream goes live!
@Everyone Stream is starting in a few minutes! Get in here! Remember it's on Youtube now
I was told on the same day that Santa and the Tooth Fairy weren't real. I was gutted that the Tooth Fairy wasn't real, Santa, not so much. I still don't know why that is...
@waweezer3 Added! @Everyone The stream will be back today, at 7:30PM UK time! Here's a reminder of the comic reading stream schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T2spEfhPaThDqKqTrH0IrCRn8iBnut3q0LAPeHBsi5g/edit#gid=0
You can make a comic from ANY premise, but I've been thinking recently what concept would be the most difficult to produce while still making it entertaining One answer I came up with was a serious political comic set in Victorian times. Not only would you have to know the intricacies of Politics,…
Maybe in the future... for now I'm only accepting comics that I haven't read on stream yet
@Everyone ahh I have a table tennis match today! Next week for sure!
Next week Thursday at 7:30PM UK time
@Wezboy @Lunar-Turtle added!
Added! @Everyone sadly I will have to postpone the stream once again, as my voice is not feeling too good. Will be back to read the remaining comics next week!
@Everyone Stream is up now! --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ2_gYiYFmo