

Literally could not be any newer

Did not realise so many people had replied, I will read all of these!

this but cut out 'work'

Yeah it's a fictional one. When you put it that way, I guess the newbie is a necessary element. Maybe I can make a new character, but not direct too much focus on them? Someone casual who is tagging along and having a good time, something like that...

Can relate, self-esteem issues + social media is a terrible combo. I'm not sure where those issues came from in my case though, think I've always been this way I hate what social media has done to me, I be damned if something I post doesn't do numbers, damned if I do because I'm worried I can't ke…

The common thread in all these critiques is that they tell more about the reader than they do about your story

don't know about critiques I've received personally but I always laugh at the 'artist: draws breasts ever so slightly off-shape' to 'viewer: hAvE yOu EvEr SeEn A rEaL wOmAn BeFoRe' critiques

Amazing points, even if you can't draw, you can still make an effort to get a general understanding of how comics work

Ah true, when I first wrote it I was thinink about writers for comics lol. But got a lot of good answers so I'm happy it turned out this way

I'm taking a break now and waiting for more to build up. Will resume again soon!

@Everyone stream will start at 7:30PM UK time, in about 1 and a half hours! @Wezboy @Lunar-Turtle @waweezer3 I'll be reading your comics this time! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjrREw0RZDgBTIRDHbKofZA Will notify again when the stream goes live!

@Everyone Stream is starting in a few minutes! Get in here! Remember it's on Youtube now

I was told on the same day that Santa and the Tooth Fairy weren't real. I was gutted that the Tooth Fairy wasn't real, Santa, not so much. I still don't know why that is...

@waweezer3 Added! @Everyone The stream will be back today, at 7:30PM UK time! Here's a reminder of the comic reading stream schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T2spEfhPaThDqKqTrH0IrCRn8iBnut3q0LAPeHBsi5g/edit#gid=0

Maybe in the future... for now I'm only accepting comics that I haven't read on stream yet

@Everyone ahh I have a table tennis match today! Next week for sure!

Next week Thursday at 7:30PM UK time

Added! @Everyone sadly I will have to postpone the stream once again, as my voice is not feeling too good. Will be back to read the remaining comics next week!

@Everyone the stream will be starting in about 1 hour! @ricardoaltuna @N1ghtm4r3 @allenT @IzzyBloom91 your comics are the ones that will be read tonight! I'm going to try streaming on YouTube. Hopefully it won't be too hard to figure out

Ah Ibis Paint, gotcha! I'm not privy to art software except Clip Studio Paint (the one I use) but I thought that something more advanced than MS Paint had to be used, so I was super curious! Hope you enjoyed thte stream!

@Fedriz_Marini @Rabbi @Stargazer31 @davidbeta20 Get ready, I will be reading your comics on stream in roughly 1 hour and 30 minutes! --> https://www.twitch.tv/tjammy98 (I will migrate to YouTube eventually...)

@Everyone Stream will be resuming today, at 7:30PM UK time!

I decided that the easiest thing to do would be to reschedule the stream to this Thursday. So I just moved all of the unread comics up. Here is the current spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T2spEfhPaThDqKqTrH0IrCRn8iBnut3q0LAPeHBsi5g/edit#gid=0 Apologies for the confusion!

@Everyone feeling a bit under the weather today, so will have to postpone the stream! Sorry for the inconvinience. I think I'll do it tomorrow instead. Will keep you updated

I do a variety of random stuff on Youtube, but here's a promo video I made for my comic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQd8fDllp7s I also do a comic reading stream where I read through people's comics from this forum