May 10, '14
Last Post
Jul 30, '15
Jul 31, '15
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the flower looks pretty good

catalist looks awesome! will have to read that one

One of the best thing that you can do for your comic that pen and paper comics can't beat is animating pages here's mine for my comic [image] i used a website to compile the animation: ho do you guys feel about animating your pa…

diversity is always good

calling all the popular comic authors please have a screaming icons just like this =) [image]

it's hard for me to give up my artwork for money. it's like signing off a piece of myself to someone else. i tried working with a writer, although he was a good writer, it felt like i only did 50% of the work. i rather like having ownership of my art 100%

I use an iPad and a art app with Wacom Stylus This one I used sketchclub and snap seed apps [image] I tend to paint more. This one I used procreate app [image]

I'm just glad to have any type of comment on mine. At least I can gauge if people are looking at my stuff.

Hello there Cool comic

I like cover pages that have a pop color. Not too detailed. If anyone has ever read 100 bullets, Dave Johnson does a very good job. Here's one of mine [image]

I did have some god art come out of using art rage [image] [image] [image]

I tried it, but couldn't get it to work the way I want

...A portal to the netherworld. Goblins started to spew from the crack of the spatial hemmorage

Love the costumes on the characters. Especially the female.the perspectiveswth the checkered floor gives off a disorientating feel to the page. I'm not sure if that was what you were going for. Good expressions also, really helps what they are thinking even without reading the dialogue Here's m…

The dragon attacks them with it's fiery breath

Suddenly a dragon appears turning the sky to crimson

*trips trying to run out of the room and work on the comic lol, thanks

Thank you, that might be my biggest problem. And I'll have to rework the text so it is easy to read

Thanks guys, just had a moment of weakness. Sorry to whine

for me making a webcomic is a passion, but most of the time it's like being isolated in a dark room. It's not like I use webcomics as a source of income or anything. I just want respect for my art and story. I though my art and story was more than subpar, but I guess no one is really interested in a…

I NEED my undo button =)

I only have the wacom sensitive and one that doesn't have sensitivity. i tried the addonit, but didn't really like it. waccom works well for me though. i tend to paint more than actually do line work ^_^

[image] i use 2 waccom ipad pens one with and without sensitivity