
Lalo Felix

Then explain how come in COVID era KNY sold 84 million copies in FY 2020, and in FY 2021 Jujutsu Kaisen sold 32 million. And those were the number one titles each year, in terms of sales

Well just think about it for a second, Is there any webcomic with the impact and popularity of One Piece, Naruto, Dragon Ball, SNK or Bleach???? There's none, yes we can mention a few that got to an anime adaptation, but they're not popular out of the plattaform. One Punch man jump into print and be…

Hi there, just wondering, I like eastern/manga style as well, but since You are featured; what are the chances for black and white stories to become original??? I'am working my comic but I'm not fast when it comes down to colors. Can you tell us more on that matter, do stories need to be coloured or…

Thats why I'm trying yo do that, to save time, but I believe it looks cool as well.

Well Mine is short. My plot/storytelling comes from books. Tolkien, Christhie, JK Rowling, Dan Brown Drawing Akira Toriyama, Masami Kurumada, Yoshihiro Kuroiwa, Kazuki Takahashi.

Well I understand how you feel, but no one is going to see it if you don't post it, right?? Just do it, things will improve over time, you'll grow either if your project fails or succeds. But leave that to your audience, the worse scenario... You are already in it. Jump in!!

Yep, I think bi-weekly is my best shot right now, I'll burn out to soon if I go weekly and My chapters Will fade away soon. On the other hand, monthly I think I can do it, but exposure could be none. And thanks for your answer. It has helped a lot.

Yeah, I Understand. pacing should dictate the number of panels in the story, is just that for me 20 panels a week won't work, not even 30. At least for me. Since I've decided I won't upload until I have a good buffer, and considering the best I can do, I'll use the 30 panels criteria for my webcom…

I think it looks good. Besides the green hair, I don't think it looks like the hunter x hunter character. Keep it up.