Nefertiti Karismaida
- Joined
- Jan 11, '21
- Last Post
- Jan 14, '21
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- Jan 15, '21
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Here is my novel. I update every other day. So far it has three chapters available and several more coming soon. It has under 15 subscribers right now, so I would appreciate it if I can get some more love. Thanks. My novel focuses on the adventures of a teenage girl and her friends as they naviga…
I am proud of my work in progress because I finally found the courage to share my writing online instead of just letting the draft get forgotten in a folder in my laptop. In a nutshell, my novel follows the journey of a teenage girl and her friends as they navigate college experience and the chal…
Here is my novel. I update every other day. So far it has three chapters available and several more coming soon. It has under 15 subscribers right now, so I would appreciate it if I can get some more love. Thanks. My novel follows the journey of a teenage girl and her friends as they navigate co…
In a nutshell, my novel follows the journey of a teenage girl and her friends as they navigate college experience and the challenges of growing up in a distant solar system centuries from our own time. It is slice of life with sci-fi fantasy backdrop and a hint of romance. It is weird but at its hea…
Here is my novel. I update every other day. So far it has three chapters available and several more coming soon. It has under 15 subscribers right now, so I would appreciate it if I can get some more love. Thanks. My novel has a light-hearted tone. It focuses on a teenage girl and her friends as…
Here is my novel. I update every other day. So far it has three chapters available and several more coming soon. It has under 15 subscribers right now, so I would appreciate it if I can get some more love. Thanks. In a nutshell, my novel follows the journey of a teenage girl and her friends as th…
My new novel is a slice of life story with a sci-fi fantasy backdrop and a hint of romance. https://tapas.io/series/Looking-for-Hope
My novel is slice of life with sci-fi fantasy backdrop and hint of romance. The main character is a teenage girl and she is autistic but that is all the more reasons she fights hard to feel belong in a world that sounds so foreign to her. https://tapas.io/series/Looking-for-Hope
[image] This is my cover for my novel "Looking for Hope". Someone on Wattpad designed it for me and I think the color schemes fits the title well. If you wanna read my story after seeing the cover, here is the link: https://tapas.io/series/Looking-for-Hope
Here is my character's description. Moira is a seventeen-year-old girl soon to be a college student in a prestigious university for the study of alien biology. She is autistic and has been living a sheltered life but the friends she meets along the way helps gradually her gain confidence and make…
Here is my story, Looking for Hope, which is slice of life but with a sci-fi fantasy backdrop and a hint of romance. It is my attempt at exploring social justice and environmental issues as well as other human conditions. The main character is autistic but she is determined not to let her disability…
My story is called Looking for Hope. It is slice of life with a sci-fi fantasy backdrop and a hint of romance but the focus is mostly on the in-depth exploration of human conditions. Link here: https://tapas.io/series/Looking-for-Hope It is also available on Wattpad under my profile NefertitiF…
I like that idea a lot. Names that have meanings and histories behind them are certainly more memorable.
Hi there! When I create names for my character, I usually consider their ancestry as well as their personality and what role they have in my story and how they interact with other characters. For example, I have a character called Moira. That is Greek for fate or destiny. Her character's arc is t…
Hello, my name is Nef. My novel is called "Looking for Hope", it is slice of life with a sci-fi fantasy backdrop and some romance but the focus is on an in-depth exploration of human condition. I will describe my character Moira. She is one of the protagonists. Moira is seventeen in the begin…