67 / 90
Jan 2021

Finished volume one of my comic after a year on Tapas and I'm just proud I got this far :slight_smile:

I'm proud of the art style I have developed this year! It's not anime so it's not super naturally popular on tapas. I have so much respect for anime artists and I subscribe to a lot of them, but I feel a little out of place sometimes. I like my art style anyway, though, and I hope some of you will too. :slight_smile:


I am pretty proud of my description in my chapters. I try really hard to make it so you can see exactly what is going on in every scene.

For this story I am so proud of how quickly I wrote this story. I was sitting in bed one night and the idea hit me and I wrote the whole thing in one night. It took a little longer to go back and add details and descriptions but this is the fastest I have ever written a book... even if it is only a short story.

Lately, I've been really proud of how much work for my comic I've been getting done. It's starting to feel more and more like a complete story every time I make things for it and share it with people. Sometimes I have to remind myself I'm making a comic that people are reading with characters that aren't stickfigures, and then my mind is blown. I guess I'm saying that I'm most proud of the fact that I'm actually making it to begin with.

If I had to be more specific, I'd say I'm the proudest of my characters. I spent the most time on them in the planning stages and I love how the story just very neatly falls into place around the characters I've built.

I am proud of my work in progress because I finally found the courage to share my writing online instead of just letting the draft get forgotten in a folder in my laptop.

In a nutshell, my novel follows the journey of a teenage girl and her friends as they navigate college experience and the challenges of growing up in a distant solar system centuries from our own time. It is slice of life with sci-fi fantasy backdrop and a hint of romance.


I think what I'm most proud of in my comic is the worldbuilding? I find most stories are either plot-driven or character-driven whereas mine is theme- and world-driven so I suppose I'm glad to be contributing to my particular niche lol

I suppose I'm also proud of the videos I make for it, I think comics that make use of multimedia aren't as common so that's another thing I like to do :"P

https://instagram.com/rolypolyphonic (Updates faster here)
https://youtube.com/c/rolypolyphonic (For the animated chapters)

Things im proud of ok :slight_smile:
Im poud of this art work that took three days.

I'm also proud of this sene from season 2 where it is the main character losing their wings to the big villain.

With that the three head to the castle’s throne room. Only to see Orien with their sword ready.
Lexy immediately looks to the three “GO! I'll take care of this.”
The trio nod and rush out as the twins go Cody stops and mutters “Im not leaving you behind this time.”
Lexy spreads her wings out and opens as many portals as she can push herself to bring. Her hair changes to purple with black tips and her eyes glow violet.
With a yell, her portals open fire and she feels her body in pain. A horrid burning pain.
But despite this, she stands and looks to the crater the blast made only to see Orien with his twisted wings out and he chuckles “You will have to try harder than that to kill a man that is already dead, little angel.”
Lexy glares daggers as she stumbles slightly to stand. “Where is Varicin your daughter won't even talk to us! So, we can’t even give you the soul stone if we wanted to! Why are you so set on destroying Anawrath and the other kingdoms!”
Orien’s smile fades as he looks at the small warrior in front of him “Yore wolf he is around.” He pauses as he watches Lexy stand up and begins to try to open more vortexes. He shakes his head.
“You are a prime example of a child lost in fighting a war. I am a prime example of my actions. Tell me do you tire of war?
Because if it wasn’t me some other kingdom surely would have attacked your precious home. Have you ever read a history of any kind? I saw it unfold and I know that for there to be no bloodshed by war there must only be one kingdom.
You must join them all under one. Or they will fall. The war of bloodlines must lead to one kingdom so there will be no other wars. So there is an ultimate piece and if it means blood will be spilled. So be it.
If it means creations of demons from angels. So be it.”
Lexy before she could even register what was about to happen. It happens within a second. The feeling of Orien rushing past her in a flash and it wasn’t the pain that horrified her.
No, it is the sound of two large items hitting the floor. Shakely with wide eyes she slowly turns around to see her wings were cut off. The blood staining the marble floor and the blood covering her back that is no one else’s but her own.

Here is the story that has an excerpt featured above I am also proud to say I have reached 100 episodes.

1 year later

I suppose I am proud of the fact that I have created a very ambitious comic and that this comic has, after one year, reached 5000 views.

I’m mainly proud of the progress I’ve made on my art through working on my comic, even though there’s not a lot of pages out (there’s about a 2 year gap between some pages and you can tell that I got better and it’s really awesome haha). I’m also really proud of how I’ve improved as a storyteller over the years – the story isn’t far along, but the things I’ve been planning in the background are really cool and I hope readers enjoy them when they do see them! While I’m not completely happy with where I’m at right now, I’m still really proud of all of the progress I’ve made!

One of the things that I'm proud with making my work is research. I did research on the fashion, and lifestyle of people from Georgia to Edwardian period. Research may take a long time, and it's important for people who wanted to make a historical fiction, even Google might help.

I am proud of the fact that I am consciously writing an Omegaverse romance that has big feels and fated mates and suspense and smoking hot sex scenes, but LACKS the following:

  • Failure to Communicate
  • Nonconsensual or Sub-consensual Sex
  • Threat of physical violence between partners
  • Verbal abuse/ emotional abuse
  • Tolerance for the sexist/transphobic/classist narratives that underpin some (not all!) Omegaverse stories-- that behavior exists in my universe, but it's what the main characters stand against.
  • Exclusion of important female and beta characters

I call it my Wokemegaverse, and I 100% own my SJW tendencies and I 100% believe (and think I am proving) that you can have sexual tension without toxic behavior.

steps off soapbox

Huuum.... I'm proud of how I managed to show the mental health crises Nate has, how crude they are, and I've got a few comments talking about how I did it good. My intention was always to be as sincere and raw as I could be with it, I wanted it to be impactfull but real, as a person who struggles with mental health myself I wanted to portray it in a way that poeple undestood how it felt. So yeah, I think I'm really proud of this aspect of the comic.

I'm also proud of working on it for so long, it's been 2.5 years in this project, almost nonstop, even in my hiatus I made a Q&A. And I never spent so much time in a project like i'm in this one, so I'm proud for sticking with it for so long, even when I tought about giving up. I'm also proud of starting it to begin with, because I'm always afraid of creating things and no one caring for it.

I'm proud that my work has managed to gain such a huge popular following on here. It's so nice to see people actually enjoying my sense of humor. Plus, it does keep my busy with drawing and coming up with new episode ideas keeps my mind creative.

Hy! Thank you soo much for this oportunity!! Im trying to reach the 100 subscribers but ks a very HARD thing! Hope you can help me too!! HER YOU GOT MY WEBCOMIC!!!

Please!! Hope you like it!!! I will sub to your series if you subs to mine!!!

Im really proud of my work and effor on KOH!¡ ITS A SERIES THAT I SPENT SO MUCH TIME