
Niina S


Creator of webcomic Numb

Aug 10, '15
Last Post
May 18, '17
May 25, '17
Trust Level

Weeks first page of numb Numb! [image]

I'd like to see more well-layered characters. I think too many of them are flawless and perfect these days, and very similar to each other! Friendships lack conflict and disagreements and that's... boring. There's no growth in it. If the characters are already oh-so-cool-and-happy-go-lucky what's th…

I rely on my colors a lot in Numb, but the funny thing is I barely plan them before starting. Instead I just go by the feel of the moment. I use any color I feel like using. But some general rules have still formed. For instance when there's a regular scene happening the colors are quite normal, b…

"Have faith in the people around you.. and yourself. You are better person than you think."

One for shitpost and one for art.

About 5-6 years of planning until I finally gathered up my courage and started drawing it.

New page to Numb with increasing panic numbers! [image]

Go ahead, lot of pros do this.

I guess I draw as much with and without music on the background. But when I do listen music it affects on what I draw, big band music makes things go more cartoony and if Rob Zombie happens to walk by then it's all gore sweat_smile

I've been drawing as long as I can remember. I know it sounds corny. What helped was that I was surrounded by comic books from a very early age and my big sister was also big on drawing, so it always came very naturally to me.

New page to Numb, I can tell you someone did not see this coming. [image]

For me it's usually from 4-8 hours counting in sketching, watercolors, editing and lettering.

I get mostly inspired either of my own works, the eagerness to improve and amazing art by other people.

Not a lot. Numb has 3 main characters and 5 other ones, not all of them revealed properly yet. So it's a 8 member cast.

Numb New page and someone still manages to look unimpressed! [image]

Numb. Things are getting more intense! [image]

If the story and writing are truly outstanding. And I can still figure out what's going on in the comic like the expressions and such. Has happened before.