17 / 33
Apr 2017

Ooh, fun thread!

For White Roses I'd probably tell Lana something like this:
"Pushing people away ain't helping and yes, Shezir is a complete moron! hugs tightly y.y."

And to Shezir:
... okay, I'd probably avoid talking to him, because it would have to be something along the lines of "worst is still to come" and "stop using people for your own agendas" or "you really don't deserve Nasimm" and that might cost me my head. smile

Jacqui already know what I would say since she is self-aware outside of the comic, but I would say this: "Ya done fucked up."

I am so sorry, you beautiful man.
You're going to become the saint and savior of the people you hate the most, and you'll do it willingly because you'll know then that the alternative is far, far worse. You'll burn for eternity because if you don't, the world will freeze. You'll become the courier of words of war, slavery, and death, those things that your family suffered for ages, and you'll do this because one boy's actions convinced you that maybe some people could be trusted with power. If it helps any, know that your trust is well placed; the world can change.

I'd just give him a disappointed look and shake my head. He knows what he did.

"Have faith in the people around you.. and yourself. You are better person than you think."

I'll tell all of mine: "Stop listening to what everybody else is saying. Go with your gut, things aren't always as it seems."

"Can I pet your cat? And then maybe can I ride your cat when he's changed into a manticore?"

I'd probably tell Sanori to stop being so distrustful of people, because dang girl.

To my main characters of Devil's Acres I would say:

Grave: "Calm down, eat a cookie and be nicer to people. They would help you more if they liked you."
Max: "I'm sorry for all that happened, man. But you can be proud of yourself, you accomplished a lot."

The Composer (villain, a serial murderer): "You ***ing **ck, what the hell is wrong with your head?!?"

I would say

"Jon, baby, sweetheart, just, you know, don't cry to much when things happen... because things will happen and, ya' know, they ain't the best things to happen, okay? Alright, darling, I gotta run, take care, drink your milk and PLEASE get over your fear of spiders! Honestly! Love ya', bye!"

I'd tell him he needs to chill the fuck out and grow a backbone, but that I also love him the most.

My series, Betwixt, has just started, but because I know what my main character has in store, I would tell him to stay strong and remember the importance of his purpose, because he will encounter things that are difficult for a kid to power through.

What a fun question!

"Miles, stop worrying so much about money and have a little fun."

hmmmm in Robo Hole i'd probably tell Parsnip
"i'm sorry i named you after an ugly vegetable but you dont have to be so moody about everything all the time. snap outta in and fight some robots and junk. jeez. liven up ya mope"
but for geckie i'd probs just ask him