

So? There is a lot that goes into copyright law that I don't know about. But it doesn't change the fact that if you are creating a new piece of art that isn't a close dupe of a copyrighted piece or you're not profiting off someone else's name - you're fine. It also doesn't change the fact that peopl…

Actually no. Chords, tropes, style, etc aren't copyrightable. From what I've been told, the only times copyright becomes an issue is if someone is trying to deliberately trying to pass someone else's work off as their own or are trying to pass themselves off as another artist, like mimicry. Miley …

My hubby does a lot with AI and hangs out with a lot of professional graphic designers who use AI. The way they explained it to me that for good pictures, you're either spending thousands for the models and photographers, spending hours searching for the right elements online, or you're spending h…

The idea of the scene is that she pulls herself outta bed, makes the noise, and then goes on with her action. "She groaned" always comes across to me as a reaction to something, like nonverbal communication

Right? Adverbs have there place imo but there are other ways to describe stuff.

So the context, my FMC is getting out of bed in the middle of the night. It's cold and she doesn't feel good. She makes a noise of discomfort before getting out of bed.

Nope. More questioning what's keeping you from living your dreams. Like if your dream was to have a book published, what's stopping you from taking the steps to get a book published.

I get this. So much. When I get home, I just wanna watch my shows

I think that romance can "ruin" characters is because a lot of writing nowadays relies a lot on established trope norms and people tend to write stereotypes over people. So a romance gets added into the mix in place of character development. I know that sounds really blunt. (sorry) I love to study t…