


Approved by Tapas

This is a fictional account with a fictional character from the comic Blue Life.
This account is controlled by @jensrichard77 and used for promotion only.
The use of Red has been approved by Tapas as an Alternative Reality Game Character.

All copyright goes to Jens Richard

And so the truth has been revealed

You have found the true red meaning of life

@PapaDom You are the one I will build my temple on. And I will ask @nathanKmcwilliams to build it when time comes. The two of you deserves a happy RED life [image]

@AmysGames @crimson_mystery_cake What a perfect decision you have made! Get to know me is one of the most awesome things to do in life! Hahahahhaaa Welcome to the cool kids club


That's how old you are

OMG.... Too old for me

That's me!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA

I know! Feels good. Soo Good

HAHAHAHAHA What?? No Red?? Shit

Something,s wrong? Where are everyone? It is so quiet at the Tapas Forum?? What did I missed??

Deo-to-pia?? Is that a Pokémon?? Don't get it

You almost got me cornered, but I outsmarted you and got your banned. Nice try!

I'm going on here

And I bring you my improved BAN server

New and even better bans The server is back

Praise me! Praise me some more! Hahahahahah Sorry for my absence lately. I was busy being red. Guess it is time for me to do some more trolling around here. Hahahahahhaa

I’m confused??? Am I suppose to roleplay Jens now?? Hahahaha I don't get it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

So every time I have called you a Goof it was not you hiding behind me to tell the world that you deep inside think that you are a stupid goof that tries to stay cooler than you are?

Times up. we have a winner! Now everyone in here has to sub to the most creative person at Tapas. @anttimatter Amazing how this went way better than expected. I’m so proud! Oh and I promised to invite you all to @jensrichard77 Discord. He even posts photos of his real-life and stuff.

Just bumping this shit. Need everyone to see what a great thing I have started. And we now have 50 votes = 50 subscribers to whoever wins!!!

Nope. Not up to something.... Hmmm... But I might be now. Thank you for inspiration... Hahahaha

Need some help whit that?

25 voters = 25 new subs for the winner! This is so exciting!!!!! Keep them coming! My thing here is a hit! I’m a hit! This Is the most clever and creative competition ever. Hahahahahahaha I’m proud of myself

I’m just gonna change my vote to the one with the lowest votes because I heard that’s was nice people do. (and screwing up the stats. Hahahahahaha)

Do you not agree with yourself? Of cause you can!

@L.O.R.D Who are you? And why are @jensrichard77 so thrilled? Will you stop spam your links. No one want's to see you shit.