if they turn it on for both of us I have a bit to throw at you :3
I wrote a whole modern au short that clocked in at around 8,900 words about my novel's main character going to a Halloween frat party LOL But as it's mostly smut, I'm keeping it on Patreon, or if people really want, they can buy it on my Gumroad.
Thanks for the reminder to do mine too. I'l finish it and schedule it
I wrote a horror/thriller quick transmigration BL. It should start releasing chapters on 15th which is hopefully tomorrow? I'm still not sure of the time difference between mine and Tapas
I'm working on a 6-episode Halloween special! It's a cross-over between my scifi anthology and my murder mystery novel. (Basically the characters from the murder mystery novel will appear in a scifi AU!) I'm reaching the ink goal for the special, so I think I'll start work on it soon.
I only have time to make a single drawing of my characters in costumes . Plan to post it next week or so
I've a Halloween strip ready. It will be uploaded on Halloween day XD
I'm hoping to make one! I need to start jotting down ideas. Thanks for the reminder. By the way, I loved your Halloween episode @rifftiff
Im releasing an entire comic actually. Updating every October - November XD this is prob a horrible mistake but were doing it anyways!
Oh yeah, I'm definitely doing a Halloween episode for one of my comics. Gotta celebrate The Very Best time of year properly!
I want to draw my main characters in halloween costumes!! But ahh I'm so swamped with work and anxiety right now, we'll see if I manage before the month is over xD
This was a Halloween episode of The Action Fruit Society that came out in 2017: https://tapas.io/episode/748283
I’m doing a special Halloween art piece to thank my readers. This is my first year making comics so I honestly didn’t feel up to doing a whole holiday special. I really put my all into the bonus art piece though and I think people will really enjoy it.
So this is one series I'm enjoying by @rifftiff https://tapas.io/series/Bbangbab/info
And this is mine
And unfortunately neither of us have unlocked ink Edit : I just got mine unlocked..currently waiting for Rifftiff to unlock hers
Agreed. Simply having a concept isn't enough. especially if you need others to tell you how to go about it, the fact this is about a group making comics and animation ect... You may not have accumulated enough experience for the story you might have in mind. The Mangas about characters making mang…
If you don't know how to make a good comic about something and need to ask other people how to...maybe it isn't the best thing for you to make a comic about? Perhaps you should make something where you know you can make a good comic about it because you're bursting with ideas about the topic, know a…
Last week, I tried the pasta recipe that @rifftiff gave. I ate mine with ketchup sauce as per instructions. I liked the tanginess. It's not my favorite pasta sauce, but it's up there.. My wife wouldn't even try it. I knew to make half of it with marinara sauce for her.
Haaaaa, finally a thread my comics can fit in!!! Thanks. My comics is about a concept (efficiency) turned human and having a pick at (mostly) economic concepts... I put “slice of life” as genre, but even there, it doesn’t quite fit... I change art style with each episode, so overall it probably fits…
I agree, there aren't a ton of comics about food, or the process of cooking or cooking tips. I mean, there are comics that dedicate an episode or two to a meal or something. And it is in the background but, I really would love to see a comic entirely about food! Just stories about food, stories abou…
I love the concept of these comics. I love food in general and seeing it in comics, drawn in various styles always inspires me to draw my food better even if it isn't the main focus. It's good to practice drawing all kinds of subject matter. This is inspiring me to make my own comic about food just …
Well it always puzzles me, despite all its good press, food is a basic need seldom covered in comics. And I agree that it really is an interesting challenge for shapes and texture, I made a (shrimp scampi recipe once, and drawing chopped shrimps was definitely trying on my limited art skills... I ca…
A few more to the list: @rifftiff Japanese pasta from Bread & Rice @elpenor Brunch? anything with cumin can’t be wrong... from Vainglory @drcharlotterodricks Kimad drinks from You & Me @Ethicalcomics Vegan pancakes from The Vegan Sect
I recently hit 100 subscribers on my sci-fi webcomic Future Agents! Now I'm almost at 130 and I can't believe it! EDIT*** I got featured on Staff Picks and now I'm super close to 250... this growth has been insane and overwhelming!!! It's about the consequences of relying too much on social techn…
So I'm almost at 100 subscribers and I'm super excited.The community is so warm and friendly.And SUPPORTIVE!!! This is my slice of life doodle comic. It's a bunch of one shots so continuity is not needed.
Addiction probably. Any active artist or writer I've ever met or heard talk about it seems to view it as a compulsion and its no different for me. We're all just junkies that need to get our creative fix
Contact Phantomlight (paw print promise) maybe or @rifftiff