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I totally get it! My episode last week was the longest one I've ever written. I usually upload in panels of 800x800, but my last one was over 50 panels so I had to combine them into 800x1600 for Tapas to even accept it. And I'm slowly making more into multiple part episodes as well (which is good i…
I'm a little over 100, but would love to have this unlocked!
I love dumbfounded/helpless/derpy faces. Where they look unfocused, even mixed with another emotion. I use that face alot. [image][image][image][image][image]
I'm not sure if I'll do any Halloween artwork, but I'm working on a 3 part Halloween special! Part 3 comes out next week! part 1: https://tapas.io/episode/1923513 part 2: https://tapas.io/episode/1930370
There's no link to your comment, so we can't read it? Also I would really suggest rather than asking of a 1-10 rating, ask for a pro/con evaluation so you can focus on what you can improve and what you're doing well rather than a number score. It would probably be a bit more constructive.
Thanks Charlotte! We're both about halfway there, hopefully we unlock it in time for the event!
I think it depends on the genre. For example, the strange names in the Harry Potter series are meant to sound strange and magical. It also works if you're writing some kind of fun comedy/satire and the name is meant to reflect certain things about the character. But generally a lot of those unusual …
I'm in a Halloween mood! So I just finished my first episode in a 3-part Halloween special: https://tapas.io/episode/1923513 Anyone else doing fun Halloween specials?
She's really cute. My only critique is that something in her design feels a bit busy. Even more so once you've got the blood, it's really hard to make out her face. Maybe her face gets lost in her hair too much? This is especially on the full body shots. It's hard to focus somehow... does that mak…
I love hurt-comfort tropes... I guess they call it whump? It's a trope I didn't realized existed even though I always liked those scenes (ex. Harry Potter always in the hospital wing, etc.) I tend to like it when the girl is weak and the guy takes care of her. I'm sure there's some psychological re…
I don't even like fan merch of series I enjoy, so I wouldn't ever want to make merch of my own series. I just don't like the look of characters printed on bags, shirts etc. but I'm a bit of a fashion nerd.
yes, but if I'm in the zone I totally forget that I'm hungry or thirsty. That doesn't happen as much as it did when I was young, though. I would go a whole day without eating sometimes.
Honestly I like a mix of both for most of these. The only one I have a very strong preference is comics over novels. I guess I'm not much of a reader.
I'm glad to hear someone tried it! It's definitely not a gourmet pasta sauce, but it's great for when you're in a pinch and just need to throw something together! Not gonna lie, I also put my nose up at it the first time Bab made it lol.
I had so much trouble drawing pasta! But I feel the more I draw something, the better I get so I can assume that includes food lol.
I have 2 recipes so far! The Japanese pasta @gmaximin mentioned, plus honey bread here: https://tapas.io/episode/1896844 I plan to add more as I go, so if it's something you're interested in, I definitely suggest subscribing! I talk about food A LOT!
It's not clear by your question if you want to do an informative comic (like tutorials, etc) or a story that is about a comic artist/writer. I going to assume it's the second, so... You'll really want to appeal to the artistic community, so make sure you have a lot of relatable scenes. Like strugg…
I think to an extent we all want to believe our work is one of a kind. But most art is inspired by something that already exists. That being said, I also believe that there's nothing here quite like my comic. I have medium length single shot episodes that introduce Korean food and culture (and da…
I just reached 100 subs on my comic! I know that's a small number for some, but for me it's a big milestone! Why you should read it: It's an info-comic introducing aspects of Korean culture through the eyes of an American. If you're interested in learning about other cultures (especially food!) …
This one is from a couple of months ago, but it's still my favorite panel atm. [image] From this episode: https://tapas.io/episode/1829997
I've been drawing as a hobby for 20 years now, since I was just a kid. It started as a direct copy of anime that I grew up walking, especially with the chibi stuff that was big in early 2000's (I called them star fish people: because the body was literally 4 sharp points with a head on top. and the …
Your art is beautiful, you use the scrolling format in such a great way. My only critique was already mentioned above, the font is difficult to read, especially "y". But that's a shame, as it is beautiful, and really works with the whole mood you've set. If it's only used in the prologue, maybe it's…
I guess mine is technically non-fiction comedy, though situations are exaggerated. It's an informational comic introducing several aspects about Korean food, culture, and intercultural dating. And autobiographical since it's based on my life? If I was ever to write another non-fiction, I think …
Usually it's to get thought and feelings out of my head, but the project I'm working on now is more of a business standpoint, I guess. I'm wanting to make a career out of my online content, so my standpoint is not so much about what I'm feeling, but is more strategic about getting a following and at…
Mine is a little bit different than what you usually read, but maybe you'll give it a try? Mine's a comedy/informative comic about an American dating a Korean. I introduce a lot about Asian food and culture (mainly Korean) but have some non-culture related ones as well.
Jumping onto Charlotte's comment here, Charlotte recommended me for community picks and I made it in to the feature last week. I was so surprised that somebody appreciated my comic enough to nominate me. It gave me a big confidence boost, as my series wasn't gaining any momentum at the time. It's …
Mine's an easy read! Just a bunch of shorts!
Thanks for the support, Charlotte!
new page up today, about Korean fried chicken https://tapas.io/episode/1854602
OMG Wait, SCHLISSEL?! Do you remember me from deviantart? Like YEARS ago?