
Rinkelle Lamorlière

California xenobiosis.webcomic.ws

★Shining with the light of the stars, piercing the heavens & piercing your heart!❤️

Your friendly neighborhood magical girl, ✨* Rinkelle!*✨

I write and draw Xenobiosis, I love history, I'm learning Norwegian, and I love me some magical girl anime. I usually draw magic/mythology/fantasy themed comics and once in a while historical ones. My goal is to meet Ylvis and not look stupid in the picture I'll take with them. Also I'm definitely a magical girl.

Oct 11, '14
Last Post
Dec 3, '15
Jul 28, '17
Trust Level

Not that I know of? I'm in America lol forgot to put that because I'm an idiot.

California (in a really tiny town far in the mountains that probably no one has heard of ever in their lives). I would like to study/live abroad some day in the future though.

Yeah, I definitely want to play around with different kinds of swords and sword+magic type of attacks, should make for interesting fight scenes.

I upload mine at 800x1200 because it's not too big or too large on laptop screens. I think it's alright for mobile? I'm not sure because I don't really use my mobile device to read comics (but I haven't gotten any complaints about that so I assume it's fine for the time being).

I've realized I have a thing for girls with swords. Usually ones along the lines of fencing foils and rapiers, the skinner, elegant ones, so obviously Revolutionary Girl Utena and The Rose of Versailles influenced me a lot more than I thought. But I'm also a fan of quick, easy to use weapons too lik…

Sure count me in. christin.lugo@gmail.com

Hello hello! I'm Rinkelle and my webcomic is Xenobiosis. I'm posting pages a bit randomly at the moment to get it up to speed with the main website it's posted on, but the last page of the prologue went up earlier today. I'd heard about Tapastic before but it wasn't until some friends of mine bega…