5 / 16
Nov 2015

The largest Tapastic will accept is 940 x 4000px but I don't think I want to upload my comic close to that size...I'm thinking a little smaller.
How large do you upload your pages on Tapastic?

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    Nov '15
  • last reply

    Nov '15
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800 x 1200! If it were wider I think it'd be too zoomed in and harder to read.

I usually upload my comics 800px wide to make my comics more compatible on mobile smile

Yeah that's the problem I had in the past, mine was too zoomed in and not to mention it killed the quality of my screentone >.<

I upload mine at 800x1200 because it's not too big or too large on laptop screens. I think it's alright for mobile? I'm not sure because I don't really use my mobile device to read comics (but I haven't gotten any complaints about that so I assume it's fine for the time being).

Mine are 800px across, and about 1300px top to bottom!

I could go with 940px across, but 800px fits my main website21, and saving each page in two different sizes for posting is just too much work, IMHO.

Mine are 600 x 900px, but my main site shrinks them and makes them all blurry on me, bleh. That's actually why I came to Tap in the first place, was being upset at my webhost and their handling of images.

Mine are 940x1337px. It doesn't bother me since there are two translations, so two different files.
It's a big size, but I dunno, I like it. :'D

700x1980 (the second one I don't remember) at 300 dpi.
I think for a non-long form comic it works to have it a bit under the 940 maximum.

892 x 1303 px @ 120 ppi (resolution).

This is basically a 100 pixel trimmed A4, since 992 x 1403 @ 120 is roughly 210 x 297 mm.

730 wide (Raven Wolf) - 800 wide (No Future) because my arthritis makes my hand shaky when I draw so I didn't want to go too close to the details for readers to see that.

940 wide for both of them now as I have gotten a little better at managing drawing with a shaky hand (though still have to work on a really big canvas so you don't see the jittering when you zoom out - it honestly gets pretty bad if you zoom in 100%)

940x1020 pixels, but that's because my original image size is 22x24 inches which is waaaaay to big for any site except DA

The latest pages I upload at 720x950... The png file is almost 2mb fitting the file size limit of tapastic.