
Ayu Sakata

Nov 10, '19
Last Post
Jul 28, '21
Jun 18, '24
Trust Level

If someone has actual valid issues with your work and they want you to know, they'll explain it. That comment isn't helpful at all, so it's not worth pursuing.

Hello! As the topic title says, I am looking for someone to do cover art for me. This is the second season in my series, so I am looking for a similar art style to the cover for my first, if possible. If you like fantasy with swords, sorcery, and dragons, even better! [image] You can find the fi…

MediBang Paint is probably my free app of choice, although I've heard good things about FireAlpaca and Krita as well. Medibang's official site has a bunch of user submitted tutorials that range from beginner techniques to some more specific stuff. For drawing,…

[image] This fellow has laser eyes and no one has ever seen him. That's pretty much all we know.

Constantly. I'll promise myself that I'll text a friend "tomorrow," and when I finally get around to it, it's been a month. It's been killing my work, too. I've been sitting on finishing the last five chapters of season two of my novel since April. Even lost a patron for not replying to a valid ques…

Hello, folks! I haven't been around for a bit, but I remembered that I still have a bit of ink, and it's Inksgiving! Link me your stuff, and I'll give out ink until I'm out! If you wanna swing by and check out my stuff too, it would be appreciated, but it's not necessary.

You should be able to find your author page by clicking on your name where it's listed on the book's page. If you scroll to the bottom, there should be a link that asks "Is this you?" and you can connect it to your login. I think they have to verify you first, but that's where to look.

Found it and claimed it, but I try not to look too often. The ratings there are vastly different from here and other places I post. There's one really useful review, which I love. But without any other feedback, I'd rather not guess at what people think and make needless changes. It's nice to see th…

Congratulations! How exciting!

You're not alone in feeling these things, and it's pretty hard to dig yourself out of it once your brain has grown used to thinking a certain way. The good news is, there are ways to fight these feelings. A few things I try to remind myself: 1.) I am not my work. Even if my art is bad, that doesn'…

I imagine having a very hard time finding what I want to read if this becomes common practice. Subtle animations tend to be pretty pleasing to me, but things moving on a screen are still difficult for some readers. Itchio allows animated thumbnails, but it's got a setting that means the animation on…

I think if a story is labeled romance, the readers will generally expect there to be a fairly obvious set of characters who they can cheer for. Whether it be a canon couple, or triangle (or more), the focus of the story should be their interactions with each other. Any story beats should be framed i…

Trying to learn new software. [image]

I usually try to find a very specific subset of the knowledge and bounce off of that. For example, research the steam engine used to power trains. Learning how it works in the real world should help give you threads to follow in terms of research. Also, I'm pretty sure you can make up any rule/sci…

There's a lot of good advice in this thread already, so I just want to add quickly that if you're 18 and in college, you can probably open up a student bank account and get a debit card all on your own. Obviously, do some research first, but I think the sooner you set up a bank account that you have…

Absolutely. I use an LED light pad from Huion to clean up traditional sketches before doing the inking digitally. It's a huge savior for my wrist especially.

My goal for last year was simply to finish my first novel. Which I did. Yay! My unrealistic goal for this year is to finish writing the second novel. My more realistic goal is to finish writing the draft of the second novel. But maybe if I'm very lucky, I'll have enough time to hit the unrealistic…

I use it, although it's become more of an effects tool for me than anything else. I do most of my animation in Clip Studio these days, since I prefer to do frame-by-frame work. Moho seems much better for rigging animation, which isn't really my wheelhouse. That being said, I very much like their par…

[image] I'm the coloring half of an art team, and here are some things I colored this year.

[image] I take more food photos than self photos, but here's one that happened to have me in it.

"Men have shed blood to get this position, and you don't want it?" He crossed his arms and inspected me closely. "This will come as a great surprise, but I liked it a lot better when bards weren't climbing through my window to kill me," I said.

The quality of the tool matters less as the artist improves, but I think it's a bit of a mistake to say that the tools don't matter at all. When I started doing digital art, I'm sure a giant Cintiq wouldn't have made my art any better than its simplistic beginnings. But as someone who struggled th…

Aim for specificity. I wouldn't necessarily hire the same artist to draw character sprites and item icons, for example. Environment artists are often entirely different from people who draw the user interface. Depending on the type of game, some folks might also be looking for animations. For gett…

I heartily recommend starting small for your first project. Like, extra small. A few panels at most. Try to tell an entire story within a single page. Or a few panels. One "chapter" if we're talking in terms of webtoons/tapas. If you already have a bigger story in mind and characters set, try writin…

[image] I'm a colorist, so the lines aren't mine, but I think my coloring has gotten better. I certainly have more fun with it, at least.

Here comes the self-promo! My novel is ongoing, but book one/season one will be wrapped by the end of this year, so if you want to bookmark it and hit it all in one go, you won't have to wait too long. While it doesn't line up with all of your interests perfectly, I think you'll find it at least d…

Every time I come across an artist I like at a con, I find myself exceedingly devastated if they do not have a business card with their URLs and socials on it. Please have more than enough business cards at the front of the table for anyone to grab as they pass by. And I know it's not what you ask…

I'd like to read more everyday survival moments. Not just running away in the woods or shooting down attackers. What about the days in between where you have to gather food, or repair torn clothing? Does anyone still do art at all? Also, I'd like to see cats just hanging around and not being even …

"And the three of us floated, alone in the Great Sea, buoyed only by a tiny boat made of ice and held together by my will."

This is definitely a daily struggle for me. Here are some things I have learned. Take whatever lines up with your experiences. 1.) Failure is normal, regular, and okay. The ones who make it the furthest have also failed the most. There's absolutely no shame in hitting your limits and I think it wo…