
I've actually been thinking of making a shonen christian battle manga type of comic I'll check you out
I've had the same problem when I first started on this site. What really helped me was interacting with people on forums. Just get out there and start talking to people. There are even threads that will help promote your comic to others.
I would recommend using Reddit. Also, try uploading at different times of the day.
I personally believe social media is the best route to promote your webcomic. It could be through twitter, instagram, facebook and even youtube. Most people don't mention it but sending your comic to friends also helps. Forums are also another good avenue to promoting your webcomic. Another thing to…
DEFINITELY the best is having an online presence. Use Twitter: regularly talk about your art, post about your next update like a pic of your sketches, talk about how you ate a burrito because life fucking sucks, and post your link whenever you update your comic. Follow other authors too and inter…
Most reliable: Post a message to the Latest chapter and Latest art threads in the forum. Include link to your series. Long term: Set up info on your series to web lists and voting sites. Create accounts on social media. Wisely manage the social media. Do not burn out the followers. Do not …
I am on webtoons, but I’ve been finding more success on tapas, probably because of this forum
It takes a lot of years to learn to do good comics. I think at first one shouldn't expect to have lots of readers, having a pair of friends reading is enough. I started doing comics around 12yo, and only had one reader (a school friend). Around 15yo I started uploading my comics to a blog and got h…
One thing that helps is accepting that not everyone grows at the same pace, especially in terms of following/subscribers and that's just a fact. Once you can accept that part it'll boil down to finding healthier motivators for completing your work. Personally I like to set short term and long term…
Judging from the fonts you're using, I'm assuming you use Medibang? I want to take about your typesetting. In comics, for speech bubbles, try to centre-align your text. It looks very jarring to be left-aligned unless your speech bubble is at a left corner. Typesetting is an overlooked aspect of …
Okay, so, flipping through it--it looks like you used references for objects like the bikes and cars and guns in the first couple episodes, but not as much for the people--they could use some work. For better or worse, the best solution is to practice. Look up some tutorials on anatomy and proportio…
I like the bland colors. It helps the comic show that the main character is in a bad place right now. Also, the lines are neat. And the story seems pretty cool. I'm going to rate you a ten because why not.
I like the absence of color. This seems to me to not be a particularly happy environment, so the absence of color is a nice touch. Also, your comic's blurb mentions some famous history, which caught my attention.
hmmm, probably try coloring out the drawings, and filling in the red drawings.