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I wasn't aware "everyone on the internet' hate tapastic I mean who is everyone on the internet??
agreed, anyone who post their comic here should not complain if tapas need revenue cos tapas need to pay the bills to host these millions of comic here. I think the idea of creator buying ads is a good one cos the popular creator don't have the need to do this but the less popular with a bit of ch…
I think if it's well written, and people find it, it will do fine
I never heard of SVA and I've known a few CGI animation graduates from SCAD, and as far as talent and salary, where you graduate from does not matter, at least in that field. School taught you the basic you need and when it comes to the real world, it is up to the individuals to get where they end u…
There's a quite a number of featured/daily snacks that is in book format and that pretty much why I started this thread cos it was too uncomfortably tiny to read when I click on it
I guess I can always install Tap on my tablet if I care enough, but if it's an extra inconvenience for me to read …
This is a good reason, because at the end of the day, you have to enjoy ot if you put that much work into something like webcomic. If you don't enjoy making it in mobile version, then it's best not to. You can always downsize print res 300 dpi to 72 dpi mobile version later if you ever want to b…
it would take enormous change in the writing of the app and websites for Tapas to offer both book and mobile format I highly doubt they have the time, $$$ and resources to do it and honestly, it's not worth it for tapas, their app should just stick to mobile your specific comic would work on either …
May I suggest that tablet and mobile phone may not be the same target audience People usually buy tablet for reading book format or watching movies, those things are too small to be done on phone it would be hard to nail both mobile phone and tablet at the same time if you go mobile, I'd suggest f…
you don't have to convert to mobile, and this is a valid reason. when it comes down to it, story and art is most important, and those things already took so much work already, it is understandable that creator dont want to waste time doing extra work for mobile. Besides, it seems like there's still …
oh wow! Lezhin sounds like a pretty good company, I shall check em out! on a glance, they seems to be pushing sexual BL stuff, so I was a bit put off by the first impression. I love reading seinen manga, but I don't specifically look for violence and sex as main selling point, if it's supporting t…
I guess, from what I've seen, SHUEISHA probably have better filter when choosing to publish someone, their editor probably are experienced enough to guide the mangaka. As much as I read webtoon, it seems like they publish a lot of junk? There's few good and entertaining ones, but the barrier seems t…
seems like there's not much monetary value on the prize? mostly opening a connection to shonen jump editor in comparison to previous webtoon/lezhin contest, it seems... cheap?
oh from the creator POV, that make sense, that explains why the creators prefer the desktop vs the app
this is an interesting thought, thank you for sharing, it opens up my mind to different kind of opinions. @MidZM I guess at the end I also do not care if some little guys make $20 off some bootleg tshirt or something like that. Kinda like those small artist tables at anime convention and stuff, bu…
I came across Lezhin a week ago, I have not spent much time in it yet because it seems like it is heavily geared toward BL and sexually explicit content? or am I wrong? What's your thought on Lezhin? as far as print format, I've seen that webtoon featured artist Jason Brubaker who made Sitrah draw…
this whole 'donation' thing still makes money off something that someone else's created though? cos technically these artists get money in exchange of drawing these characters, which they don't own wouldn't that technically buying and selling? and they will never get to that near million of dollar…
Fanartist making money off patreon seems to be a clear abuse of copyright law Just wondering, how come the copyright holder hasn't filed anything toward these fan artist? afraid of fan backlash? or the lawyer fee to file DMCA takedown just not worth it? cos most of these people don't make enough…
First of, I'd like to thank everyone who chime in on this topic, I definitely more enlightened after reading all the different opinion @DMBrigman Your responses definitely put together my preference for the mobile format much better than I do here. When I posted this thread, I'm not trying to forc…
I'm just surprised with the amount of non mobile friendly comics I found here on tapas I'm not saying that non mobile format should be completely dismissed, not at all, But as someone who reads on my mobile, I figure I should mention it here on the forum since the forum is tilted heavily toward cr…
@Alejandro_Cheetah @Quinineer @Ambat @indagold @60six @agentfink @Kura @Ringarune @doublethickcustard @stnmaren and 12 other image post after it, I cannot see your images and it shows up as broken link The 5 image post before my reply here shows up as normal Does anyone else experience this prob…
this sounds cool, but a thought came to me, is there a point to this website taking a cut if technically you can just directly paypal the creator??
not having anything to say is the reason for commenting there are a few occasion when I read something and something immediately pops in my head to wanna say something about it but if not, that means the chapter is just doesnt encourage me to say anything about it or the reaction I got was just a gi…
Just wondering, I think this whole tipping idea is great for free webcomic, but do you tip the same series more than once? I have not tipped yet, but I bought physical copies of a few webcomic I found here on tapas, and once I did something like that, I felt like I already did my duty as a custom…
I always wonder how does webtoon survives paying each of their featured artist without having any ads or anything to sell. I know in this digital era, when the product is offered for free, then what their selling is you (the readers), after all, they've been gathering all the data of everyone who's …
I think I shall continue watching it!
it sounds like if they don't make it easy for people to follow, hiveworks might goes in the direction of the thing of the past
ah ok, do you read these webcomics via rss feed on mobile or desktop computer?
nope cos honestly, I dont know how to keep up with individual websites? I dont even know how rss feed works lol on tapas app, I have notifications of whats being updated but I dont subscribed to 200+ comics, I'm very picky and I have very few on my library
as much as I agree that discoverability here is a little cluncky, have anyone ever thought that a large percentage of that 30k comics constantly updating might be junk?? even netflix, youtube, hulu has alot of junk, and honestly, as a consumer, I got turned off by too many choices, my brain just s…
if it's unpaid volunteer, maybe they can just curate a bunch of titles, then recommend like 10 a day for the staff to go into daily snack, so the staff doesnt have to go thru 30k comics, just pick a few from curated 10 comics/day