

Sep 18, '17
Last Post
Oct 22, '17
Mar 17, '18
Trust Level

Hi there so I'm kinda confused on what is going on so is this NaNoWrite Challange some kind of writing challange where we write a story in a stipulated amount of words or do we post our current stories here or is this some kind of discussion forum? Clarification is appreciated thanks

Very nice getting to know you :slight_smile: I would definitely check out your novels and hopefully we could (potentially) collaborate in the near future crosses fingers

Busy with exam preparations ( and procrastinating) :joy:

@joe_galindez I can write sci-fi, historical fiction, mystery, action and thriller :slight_smile:

Im interested to participate! Sounds fun :slight_smile:

I agree that it would be good if Tapas would have a mentor programme for both comic writers and novelists as it would allow new writers and comic drawers to improve their skills and build rapport with the rest of the Tapas community :slight_smile: As a relatively new writer i would definitely want to receive adv…

Mandarin speaker here! If any of you need help with translations from English to Mandarin or vice versa feel free to DM me :slight_smile:

Hey Shoichi I am a relatively new writer to Tapas. Your art looks awesome and i look forward to collaborating with you! Please contact me or DM me if you are interested Best regards, Silvereyedlily

@CoopDogE You could first post that you wish to find an artist to collaborate with and say the genre of the story that you are writing. Also do tell that anyone interested can DM you their email and you will send them a sample of your story Just a friendly suggestion :slight_smile:

I am a relatively new writer to Tapas and drowning in a sea of homework ( T_T ) My first book as of now has 77 views and i look forward to meeting new writers and people around the Tapas forum! I m also open to collabs :smiley:

Hi Darko just sent an email over :slight_smile: Silvereyedlily@gmail,com

Hi i am a writer that is relatively new to Tapas. I love your artwork and am keen on collaborating with you ( if you are still looking for a writer that is). You can email me @ if you are interested :slight_smile: