Hi! If you're still looking, I'm interested in working with you if my style suits what you're looking for. https://www.deviantart.com/titaniumgraphics/art/Once-upon-a-time-939657090 https://www.deviantart.com/titaniumgraphics/art/Shierra-Targaryen-Commission-943811099 I have discord too:Titan!u…
Hi! I'm interested in joining this project if you think my style matches here is the example of the art style: https://www.deviantart.com/titaniumgraphics/art/Shierra-Targaryen-Commission-943811099 https://www.deviantart.com/titaniumgraphics/art/Once-upon-a-time-939657090 I also have discord: Tita…
Ahhh, thank you so much!! Being a solo creator is definitely close to back breaking your amazing for juggling work and being a solo creator at the same time. So I understand that high levels of detail should be saved for impact panels and the rest should be just good enough and not perfect. About …
Oh wow, thank you so much! This was so helpful!