3 / 35
Feb 2023

(EDIT 29/11/2023) I intend to take a break from my usual communities for a while, so from now, I hereby absolve myself of all the accountabilities currently active in this thread. I'll probably make a new thread when I come back, unless this thread is somehow still alive by then XD

Thank you @InfiniteLine for giving me the wake-up call I needed41; I have A Problem. I think I always knew this deep down, but I can ignore it no longer.

I hereby resolve to check these forums at most two times a week; if I check any more than that, I have to make a post in this thread saying that I've failed, and the first person to reply to my confession of failure gets to request I draw anything they want (as long as it's something I'm allowed to post on these forums). I have to try to draw it, no matter how hard it is!

(If anyone else wants to break their forum addiction (or social media addiction in general) and might need some outside pressure/incentive, feel free to use this thread as well, even if you're not doing exactly what I'm doing (e.g. you're committing to a different frequency of forum-checking) :])

  • created

    Feb '23
  • last reply

    Nov '23
  • 34


  • 3.6k


  • 6


  • 68


  • 6


I will post a meme mocking you upon failure, to further prevent your procrastination and to extend my own :smiling_imp:

Two times a week would be impressive. And I-------

Wait a minute.... I see what this is... You aren't actually gonna try to stay off. You just want an exciting drawing challenge! :stuck_out_tongue:

But in all honesty... You got this!

I hereby resolve myself to break my forum addiction also-
Oh, wait no-
I've already broken my pledge...

Also, how far are you extending this rule of two times a week? I know I'd try to find a loophole lmao

Well, I did only open the tab twice! What do you mean it doesn't count if I left a tab open and fully visible for 3.5 days???

Ngl I feel a strange sense of "something is missing" without her here.

Whew, new week at last! Was pretty tough ngl ... but it's no fun unless there was some chance of failure :smiley:

Aw, I'm touched ^_^

I would count a session as 'finished' when I've exhausted all the new threads and comments that I took an interest in that popped up since I was last here :] (I'm also technically homeless, so fortunately, it would be a huge inconvenience for me to leave my laptop open for 3.5 days to the point where I'd rather just draw a very difficult picture :P)

Why thank you! Any amount of support is appreciated :smiley:

21 days later

Whew, made it 4 weeks! I guess this hasn't been very exciting for you guys, but trust me, it's been helping me a lot XD

To amp up the challenge, I also vow to check the comicfury forums twice a week, and also check my social medias* at most once a day unless someone I know IRL is using it to contact me to make plans. If I slip on any of these, I must post here and tell you.

*UPDATE 20/08/2023: To be specific, check (the site formerly known as) Twitter and Mastodon no more than once a week (since I've recently been addicted to some stuff on there), and check Facebook no more than once a day (since people I know IRL are on there and I'm not particularly addicted to anything there but still get caught in a refresh spam loop when procrastinating anyway).

The exception is clicking an external link doesn't count as 'checking' as long as I stick to the page/thread I landed on (without venturing off into my notifications/follows/etc), and I can check Facebook if I'm expecting a message from someone I know IRL.

28 days later

Alright, just a bump because this thread has been doing wonders for ... well, not my productivity - it's a bit more complicated than that:

I guess I have been drawing a teensy bit more since I started this commitment, but mostly I've been reading/watching more stuff instead - which I still consider an improvement over refreshing my browser a bunch of times for no reward XD

Especially since one of the things I've been reading more of is comics; I've finally made my way through my backlog of stuff I've been meaning to read! So if I'm still subbed to you, it means you pass my test XD

Uhhh what else ... I feel like I've been less salty on the internet since making this commitment. I swear I've mentioned this in another comment, but I can't link it here because I can't find it anymore and my lazy ass can't be bothered to retype everything I wrote there :'D

But yeah, it's been good. Future bumps might not be as interesting as this one, and I apologise in advance if they clog up the forums :stuck_out_tongue: (Pray that one day I slip up? XD)

seeing your series of comments popping up on the forum is almost like a time keep for me now lol. Like, "Oh, a week has passed already?"

28 days later

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

27 days later

(Obsolete as of 03/10/2023)
Aight, these bumps are getting hella boring so let's up the ante; starting from the next bump, every time I bump this thread, I must also post a finished drawing that I started since I last bumped the thread. This will probably be totally fine and not result in a snowballing accumulation of drawings I have to do in the event that I fail to keep this up :P

27 days later

Love it! Was hard not to respond xD nice perspective and the sun glare above is a great touch :thumbsup: :art:

XD Guess my cheese attempt to help on your drawing snowballing journey is help finish the word:

(P.s. as the DMs notifications seem to not b not workin proper, check the promo DM thread whenever you get a chance)

25 days later

Bump, and pic (this and the last pic were both for this board game2)(it was rushed for a competition and probably terribly unbalanced so don't buy it lmao :'D):

18 days later

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

11 days later

Well, I might be going too far here, but I've been procrastinating too much. This will be my external motivator

So, without further ado, here is my Artistic License:

Yeah, this is not like me at all, but I'm feeling extremely risky (Zoloft, lol!). Maybe a 90 day temporary ban from the forums will motivate me into getting more of my comic done. Time for regrets is later.

I wish you all well, whatever happens next! (And hopefully I'll see all you fuckers in October!
(Feel free to copy this license and use it however way you like! I don't give a shit! XD)

26 days later

Posting this animation again bc it's the only thing I did since my last bump:

Anyway, I'm going to retire my 'one picture per bump' thing as I really need to work on my thesis, which is due July next year :stuck_out_tongue: Instead, I'm going to use this thread to hold me accountable for actually making progress on my research! (I'll post what I've done here, even if no-one finds it interesting or comprehensible, just bc it helps with accountability XD)(I will probably return to some manner of art/comic progress accountability once I'm done with my degree, one way or another)

Each week, I must come up with concrete (showable, written down) goals for the following week. If I either fail to meet my objective OR fail to come up with a concrete objective for the following week, I must tell you and give one free drawing to the first person to respond :]

So by next Tuesday, I must:
- Formalize the full theory of partially saturated anabicategories, as an essentially algebraic theory
- Write something about how pushouts might look like in the category of models of the above structure and strict model maps between them
- Write something about where to assign which 2-cells get mapped to by the composition and identity anafunctors