484 / 487
Mar 21

I messed up the car today because I was running out of time.
One hour for a complete comic page is really not much.
I figured some things out. I need to use bigger paper because
it´s impossible to draw details when I draw so small.
My biggest problem right now is placing the characters /
perspective. I build my backgrounds in a 3d app and
place the characters, adjust the camera angle etc. but
it´s really hard to do that with traditional art.

I wasn´t happy with today page even though the difference
between day 1 and day 3 is huge already.

Here are some messed up hands and champagne glasses.
I have 2 strangers having a spontaneous date in the story
because I like drawing stuff like that, the car is supposed to
be a Jaguar, the guy is kind of a rich douchebag

Quick shading warmup, this is the stuff I´m trying to learn right now and avoided for
10 years :smiley:

yeah, i'll be working on this more in my comic soon too. I really don't practice lighting and shading nearly enough

I continue trying to draw with minimal outlines, this is hard for me becasuse
sketchlines give me so much security :smiley:

i've not finished any sketches recently, but i'm almost done with this character design sheet

A character design sheet. I believe I have officially been drawing digitally for six months now

Art I made tor a DTIYS on IG. I'm not good at rendering RN, but I'm giving it the old college try

Hard to believe I've been drawing digitally for six months now. My art us finally starting to look pretty/cute

But here's a WIP

You are doing good, my drawings looked really horrible after 6 months drawing digitally and
took me forever

Thank you. I'm trying. I'm glad I'm actually making progress

Going back to traditional art feels great. I will continue to draw and sketch digital because
I enjoy it and learned a lot in the last 10 years, but being able to draw a page with pencil
and ink feels different. The good thing about it is that I can´t zoom in and I´m also limited with
how tiny the details can be + I have to live with the mistakes that I´m making.

I only finished page 4 today but I feel like I improved from page 1 to page 4.
I should have made character sheets :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I miss drawing digitally. I prefer it honestly

Why can´t you draw digitally right now?

Digital drawing has a lot of advantages and I love it, but I feel like I´m getting more done
when I draw traditionally and I´m more focused. I also love the feeling of pen on paper.

I scan the 5 pages today and I´ll color and clean them digitally. I´m too scared to mess
up the pages when I color them traditionally + I also don´t have the tools for it

Redrawing 5 pages because I made the mistake of not making character sheets :smiley:
After page 5 I realised that I didn´t like the face of the side kick and the clothes of
the characters. I messed up the shoes in several panels, was too lazy to do the pages
again, then made them all black and it looked horrible. I´m also doing the pages again
because the hair of the female character was a nightmare, I wanted to try something
out instead of drawing the hair like I always draw it and it was a mistake. The good
thing is that I learn a lot.

Pencil sketch, new version, old version

Traditionally I mean. that was an error. I can't afford a sketchbook

A WIP of my OC Inoa. My last drawing of her was from exactly a year ago

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