460 / 476
Feb 16

I finished the 10.
I´m trying to get way faster at this

I´m doing 10 female poses today.
I turned one of the sketches into a figure in my style

I´m turning some of the poses into easier to draw mannequins today.
I´m never sure about the distance between the ribcage and the pelvis,
the size of the parts of the torso etc

9 days later

forgot to post this completed comic panel

I think I'm 12 days away from approx. 160 days of art

12 days later

another monochromatic queen. she doesn't have feet because she's a double amputee

still trying to get better at drawing guys lol

drew this with the help of reference but it's mid lol

Almost done with this one

Yesterday's art

If I may be so bold as to give you a quick tip for your lettering/speech bubbles. You should try to leave a bit of room between the bubbles and your characters, it makes it feel a bit claustrophobic if you don't. It doesn't need a lot, just a smidge to give both your character and your text a bit of breathing room.

I don't know how your process looks like, but I would advice to start out with your lettering/speech bubbles and draw your characters 2nd. This way you guarantee enough room per panel for your text and you won't have to bend your bubbles in uncomfortable shapes and sizes. :smile_01:

Ohh, thank you so much. That means a lot, honestly

I´ll be on 5 days vacation to the north coast of germany and I´ll start another round of 100 days of
art when I´m back. I want to force myself to draw / think more painterly and only add a few necessary
details at the end. This is one of the hardest things for me right now because I have been trying to
get good at sketching with lines in the last 10 years.

will I be able to successfully draw the lotus pose? that remains to be seen, but hey, this comic is designed to push me outside my comfort zone and help me improve my art, so i've at least gotta give it the old college try

this is a sketch for the first panel of the next sketchy business strip

Yesterday's art. One of my goals for this year is to get back to drawing because it's how I express myself and stress less about perfection

I´m back from the vacation. I have been drawing comic pages with my older brother.
We did it like we used to when we were kids. We always drew pages as quickly as possible
and we didn´t care how they looked like, pretty much the opposite of how I´m doing it now
because I overthink every line and every panel and only finish pages when I have a strict deadline
or when I force myself

I will make this my daily habit from now on and doodle one page every morning with my breakfast
coffee and try to draw like I was drawing when I was a teenager.

Just imagine I would have done that all the time, I would probably be good right now :smiley:

sadly, I haven't doodled for fun/to express enough for a while too. I'm trying to get back into doing it because stressing about being good all the time was (is) doing a number on me

It burns you out after a short while. I´m also getting slower and slower with the pages.
Watching my brother draw helped me a lot, he draws without sketching, he just draws
the final version not caring about perspective, anatomy etc and his comic was really funny.

I will start to draw the same comic 100 times starting from tomorrow. I´ll do the same story
because I don´t want the writing part to stop + I want to try to get one tiny bit better every day

I finished the daily comic page number 2 today at 8-9 am.
I´m trying to pick one thing that I improve and try to make it better
the next and I will always finish it in one hour, this helps me to
fight the overthinking and to finish what I started.

Today I tried to fix the car. There are a lot of issues with
perspective, composition and poses on the page

I messed up the car today because I was running out of time.
One hour for a complete comic page is really not much.
I figured some things out. I need to use bigger paper because
it´s impossible to draw details when I draw so small.
My biggest problem right now is placing the characters /
perspective. I build my backgrounds in a 3d app and
place the characters, adjust the camera angle etc. but
it´s really hard to do that with traditional art.

I wasn´t happy with today page even though the difference
between day 1 and day 3 is huge already.

Here are some messed up hands and champagne glasses.
I have 2 strangers having a spontaneous date in the story
because I like drawing stuff like that, the car is supposed to
be a Jaguar, the guy is kind of a rich douchebag

Quick shading warmup, this is the stuff I´m trying to learn right now and avoided for
10 years :smiley:

yeah, i'll be working on this more in my comic soon too. I really don't practice lighting and shading nearly enough

ohh, this looks so atmospheric!

I continue trying to draw with minimal outlines, this is hard for me becasuse
sketchlines give me so much security :smiley:

i've not finished any sketches recently, but i'm almost done with this character design sheet

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