142 / 143
Oct 2024

If a character was in love with the MC or any other character the whole run of the story and the author makes sure for us to know this, every single chance he/she was on screen but it turns out they didn't end up together or give us a proper answer. Just because someone wants to love someone so badly doesn't mean it's going to happen; It's a realistic ending yeah, but its still bad storytelling. Like, at least just give us a proper hint, not just a vage open ending, dammit!

Shinji is simultaneously a very accurate representation of an IRL teenager thrust into such a situation, and a whiney annoying 2edgy4me brat

I promise I have no interest in Art the Clown outside of cosplay purposes.

My girlfriend has a good sense of humor about it though.

I've said this before & I'll say it again, in terms of writing, it is okay for your first draft to be your last draft.

Also jell-o and applesauce are nasty and should be banished to the gates of hell.

I have one!

Cheezits are the goat!

Salt and vinegar chips are gross!

Black licorice is absolutely disgusting! It should be thrown to the oblivion!

Eeeeh, I think you'll always need at the minimum a 2nd draft, if only to catch some inconsistencies. Writing is a big laborious process, you're unlikely to get it 100% right in the first go around.

I think so too but there are writers who draw like that.
I have a brother who doesn´t sketch, he starts with the final outlines,
I´ll ask if he also uses the 1st draft when he writes a book...he probably does :smiley:

There was no ugly american car in the 1950s.

Car design went downhill after the 50s (like a lot of other things too)
Design in general was better in the 1950s, except fashion for women
which has improved since the 60s.
There are some not ugly car designs in the 60s and 70s and
then it went down rapidly in the 80s and since 40 years car
design is really horrible with a few exceptions

The ugliest 1950s car that I could find still looks better than the cars in 2024.
It would actually be pretty cool to drive around with that thing,

I'm not a huge fan of 1950's cars either, but I do admire the fact that they were designed simply for the sake of design. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't, but at least they did something. Designers had no issues with hanging 400 pounds of chrome off the front end of a car just because. In later years they started putting function over form and it has been going downhill since.

Aww, that's a shame. I was having the time of my life in this park.

Yes I did spend the morning walking around and pointing at trees and bodies of water.

Ahh yes the classic midoriya and uraraka troupe, probably the worse type of romance writing to ever exist. I think the more realistic approach is they confess and then never talk again, I'm pretty sure a lot of people have faced that experience.