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Aug 2024

Hi! I figured I would start a post just with my thoughts, so here they are!

I noticed that a lot of forums have people asking for sub for sub and such, but I don't see how it is helpful all the time. Are they really reading my story? I understand, from my small research, that it may help with getting ink.

So, for those who sub for sub, why do you do it? What benefits are there for it? Are you really reading the stories?

  • created

    Aug '24
  • last reply

    Sep '24
  • 14


  • 465


  • 1


  • 25


  • 1


Idk man, I do it just to get past this 25 milestone thing and once I reach that I'm going to ignore those forums

Ultimately is doesn't pay off in the end. It's a nice way to get over a milestone if there is one that is just eating away at you.
Otherwise dead subs don't add much to your story.
Readers that engage are worth more than pure numbers.

I never actually commit to consuming stories I sub-for-subbed for and I don’t think anyone else does either.

Sub4sub to my understanding, improves your comic's algorithm by recommending it to people who read "similar" stuff to yours. How do I know that?

NONE of my comics are remotely GL or BL... yet I get those on my recommend list. No other explanation except a result of sub4sub.

Or correct me if I'm wrong if you have a better understanding of the algorithm?

Bottomline... The more it gets out there, the more likely it is to attract readers who genuinely like your work.

sub for sub is kinda empty. yeah, the numbers on your work will go up but do those people actually interact and read your content?

for me, i feel much more fulfilled with a small circle of folks that enjoy my work and making connections with people than empty subscribers who only subbed because you subbed to them.

Yeah, I agree. I don't mind helping fellow creators out but I shouldn't just subscribe because you subscribed to me. It's like jumping off a bridge, I wouldn't jump off a bridge with someone just because they did.

It's just something..that works for a while. Like giving a child a hand for support and u may end up finding genuine readers among creators too. Yeah, it's a bit hollow though.

It really does weight on my mind sometimes. But if I couldn't reach until the point where my book is pay-to-read, i won't be able to upload more of the chapters, as most of my books are signed non-exclusively outside this platform. I tell you what though, Tapas has one of the best engaging community I've ever seen! >w<)9

I've been to facebook, but it's riddled with strange people in one way or another, and if I go to X, I am not the type to appeal much by posting. Tiktok brought me views, but if the links are not attached, it was left as only a post passing your FYP. Which is why it's my dream to at least find my readers here. = v =)/

I am a fan of novels, and a HUGE fan of comics, especially eastern ones, because yeah, just my tastes XD

Alas, these empty subs make up the small margin of the future readers who would genuinely love my stories, so cheers! owo)b

Thanks for sharing!

So for sub for sub really helped you get more of your stories out there?

Humu! owo)9
Well, it did rake in some revenue, just a small amount though = v =)b
Gotta hustle again to promote! >w<)9

Honestly it’s not that helpful . I would rather have 10 real subscribers then 100 of fake ones who are only subscribed to me because I subbed back to them.

The sub for sub only last temporarily.

Honestly, even the regular promotion threads are more useful than sub for sub. Even if it is mostly artist just posting there stuff.

I think it's better to legit actually start topics around well... a topic. Even a promotion one.

"What is the setting of your story?"

"How do your characters act?"
