33 / 62
Apr 2021

I'd love to participate and read some new content! :smiley:

Here are my novels!

Here's my comic.

If anyone subscribe to my series I will definitely check out your story and do the same.

Here's mine if anyone is interested, just updated today 🖤

My comic is called Animaliens and involves three Earth animals traveling to another planet called Laido which is filled with creatures called animaliens that can shape shift into any Earth animal at any time. It's just starting out and I'm trying to get subscribers! I subscribed to yours! Thank you!

Gave a sub

Falu~ for Falo~

Hey everyone here is my comics that i update every friday.

I hope you will like it

1 month later

Here it's mine! The comic is halfway to 100!

Just subbed!Here's mine.One is based in Podcast on Youtube, feel free to check.Thnx for the thread.

thank you for the thread:)
Hope you like mine :grin:

9 days later

None of these are my work but they're ones I'm subscribed to that could use a boost: