20 / 61
Oct 2015

Secret Santa Survey -- Available here3

Hellooo everyone, my name is JJ, the creator of Beautiful Lies8 and I have been thinking that doing a Secret Santa would be a great way to practice our drawing skills, promote our comics, and find new comics to love!
Here, I will present the signup guidelines, signup deadline, Secret Santa rules and deadline. If you have any questions, you can message me on the forums or on Tapastic.

Signup Guidelines

If you want to sign up, reply to this thread with the below list:

  • The name of your comic and a link to it
  • The name of your character/characters you want to be drawn and a link to at least one reference
    • One is the minimum but the more references, the better!
  • You should have at least one full body, colored reference
  • Name any special requests
  • Willingness to volunteer (if someone drops out, are you willing to take their place and draw two secret santas?)

I'm jjfresh! I'd like to sign up for the Secret Santa!
Comic: Beautiful Lies8
Character: Shinya Tenjima4
Color Reference: Here!7
Request: Can you draw him playing basketball? Also, if Mana was in the background, that would be a plus!
Volunteer: No, too busy

--- If someone drops out and no one can replace them, I will take his/her spot. ---

Deadline for signing up will be November 12

**After the signups are complete, I will post the assignments and the deadline

Secret Santa Rules

  • Must have a webcomic, preferably on Tapastic, with at least one chapter with the character you want drawn present.
    • This is so we can get a good idea of your character's personality in the story
  • Must have a full body drawing of your character
  • After the signup deadline has passed, everyone will be given, at random, a Secret Santa
    • Everyone will have until December to complete their work.
  • Once completed, SEND IT TO ME FIRST. After Christmas, it is up to you whether or not you want to give away your identity!
  • If you decide to drop out half way through, message me and I will have someone else take your place.

Secret Santa Deadline: December 20


1:: Jrej
Comic: Shades of Men2
Character: Lev Timychenko2
Request: He's usually a silent guy... Otherwise no special requet. Surprise me!

2:: CyndiFoster
Comic: Oops Comic Adventure 1
Character: Oops2 or Plague1
Request: Oops or/and Plague being silly ^_^

3:: Shiori_Saku
Comic: Star Watcher1
Character: Lentie ----- Ref11 Ref21
Request: remember that she is the spirit of a star so holding tangible things can sometimes prove to be... difficult (I'll let you run with that! should be fun!)

4:: williamjbowles
Comic: Outcast Kingdom
Character: Ivan, Gunther, Olwyn, or Hilda2
Request: (None was given. Assume there is no special request.)

5:: joannekwon1
Comic: Demon House1
Character: Fawn3
Request: Nothing really, do want you want!

6:: novakillustration
Comic: Pen Man
Character: Pen Man2
Request: Nope

7:: Wolven_Sister
Comic: Between the Realms2
Character: Saedie Conolly or Amirah Ula3
Request: None really XD Have fun with it!

8:: Waterdrain1
Comic: Hobo Story3
Character: Scary
Request: something with birds and just have fun with it^^

9:: mjmassey
Comic: Vatican Assassins3
Character: Viola di Largolinio2
Request: Viola loves football (or soccer as we know it in the states) so maybe her watching or playing her favorite sport

10:: whydocowsfall
Comic: Polyphemus3
Character: Odysseus1 or Polyphemus1
Request: Anything you want! It's totally up to you!

11:: riverfur
Comic: Chamomile2
Character: Chamomile3 ----- Ref2
Request: draw her having a fun time. I wanna see my baby happy!!

12:: CPY
Comic: Very Randdenly1
Character: CPY2
Request: Another style of my character - Mature/Realistic style would be cool Or maybe a change of fashion?

13:: aspiderjonny
Comic: Jonny Comic: A Superhero Web Series1
Character: Jonny Regionson Jr./ The J-Man2
Request: If you could have him fight any of the supervillains from the series that'd be super cool.
(Book 2=Sergei Sternoff)
(Book 3=Dr. Mechtavias)
(Book 4=Heat-Wave)

14:: aronthemason
Comic: Tales from Swipe City1
Character: Cassie Finn3 ----- More Here
Request: Cassie gets caught by krampus! (google it!)

15:: Cielle
Comic: Reus1
Character: Max ----- Ref12 Ref21
Request: I don't have any in particular...it'd be cool to see Max doing something seasonal (making a snowman or something, idk), but I leave it up to your artistic sensibilities! It would also be cool if Rei (the black haired dude) were in the picture, but again that's up to you ^.^

16:: James_Ulmen
Comic: Space Guys: The Rings of Nebulous1
Character: Zillah ----- Ref11 Ref22 Ref3 Ref4
Request: Whatevs

Comic: Zenchav, External Site Here2
Character: Lyall ----- Ref12 Ref21
Request: He's generally pretty cheerful and will wear anything XD Also his hair is more orange than brown.

Deadline is December 20

  • created

    Oct '15
  • last reply

    Apr '16
  • 60


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Frequent Posters

There are 60 replies with an estimated read time of 9 minutes.

Hello there!
I am in for sure.
Comic: Shades Of Men2
Character: Lev Timychenko

Request: He's usually a silent guy... Otherwise no special requet. Surprise me!

And I am available for a quick sketch if anyone drops out.
Even though christmas is always busy on creative stuff. wink

I'm Wolven-Sister! I'd like to sign up for the Secret Santa!

Comic: Between the Realms5
Character: Saedie Connolly OR Amirah Ula
Color Reference: (Saedie is on the left. Amirah is on the right)

Request: None really XD Have fun with it!
Volunteer: Currently, no I can't unfortunately.

um, I hope it's okay to add this. I made a character page for these two that provides more information on their personalities if it'll help! Character Gallery

Hello! I am MJ Massey, and I would love to sign up for the Secret Santa
Comic: Vatican Assassins3
Character: Viola di Largolinio2
Color Reference: Here3
Request: Viola loves football (or soccer as we know it in the states) so maybe her watching or playing her favorite sport
Volunteer: I'm sorry, I will be involved in too many things to volunteer :/

Hi! I'm Annabel and I'm definitely up for this.

Comic: Polyphemus3
Character: Either Odysseus2 or Polyphemus2! (I just used the pages that show the most of each character but if you want to look more there are probably some better references for faces in other pages)
Request: Anything you want! It's totally up to you! blush

I can't wait for this... o:

I'm aware the deadline is a bit early and many people are probably doing the other Halloween related events. I may extend it to early November. Do any of you agree?

Otherwise, it's another week before deadline.

Hi my name is Aron and I would love to take part.

Name: Aron.
Comic: Tales from swipe city2
Character: Cassie Finn
Color ref: here1 or lots of her on my own site Here2
Request: Cassie gets caught by krampus! (google it!)
Volunteer: gladly but my commission come first.

Hi guys! Deadline has been moved to Novermber 12

If that is a problem (somehow) let me know. If anyone else wants to sign up, please do!

Two quick questions:

1) If you post the assignments here, won't that defeat the purpose of a 'Secret' Santa? Or are you just going to inform people of their assignments by message?

2) It says that if there is an odd number, you will join in to fill the spot. But what would be the problem with an odd number? That shouldn't really matter in a Secret Santa.

To answer this question: 1) If you post the assignments here, won't that defeat the purpose of a 'Secret' Santa? Or are you just going to inform people of their assignments by message?

They'll actually be sendig out assignments via PRIVATE message so that the Secret Santa part stays a secret untill the recipients recive their awesome artwork gift ^_^

For 1) I'm not sure why I wrote "Assignments" on the post but it will be private messaged once the assignments are made. I may post the assignments after everyone has already given and received their Secret Santas

2) I wanted to make sure everyone would get chance to have a Secret Santa and get a Secret Santa but I just realized I did my math wrong! For some reason I thought one person would be excluded but I just checked and that's not the case. Well, I may jump in anyway. You're right, I'll change that later. Thanks

11 days later

Woo I finally got around to signing up! My name is Cielle, and here's my stuff:
comic: Reus3
character: Max

here's some personality ref:

special requests: I don't have any in particular...it'd be cool to see Max doing something seasonal (making a snowman or something, idk), but I leave it up to your artistic sensibilities! It would also be cool if Rei (the black haired dude) were in the picture, but again that's up to you ^.^
volunteer: I think I am probably too busy, but if you really really need me to, I can do it

Last day!

guys, after this, I'm closing the signups and making the assignments!

Also, I'll repeat this again later but if you have any questions, concerns, etc. regarding your Secret Santa's character or comic, ask me so I can ask them and keep it anonymous.


Aaaand... CLOSED

Signups are officially closed now. Next Tuesday or Thursday, I will update the thread with a list of participants and the deadline and message everyone who their Secret Santas will be. There will be plenty of time so you won't need to rush into it the moment you get your Secret Santa.

If you have an questions regarding your Secret Santa, ask me and I will ask them so as to keep it anonymous.

15 days later

Everyone should have their Secret Santa by now. Please message me if I missed you or if you have any questions.

Have fun!

A quick update for all participants! When you are finished with your gift, send it to me first!

We want to keep it secret!

19 days later

Last minute quick question-- is there an optimal size or width we should send it in?

Nope. Whatever size you prefer.

Just message me your work when you're finished

Hey guys! The Secret Santa deadline is today but really, there is no formality. It's alright if you turn it in by Christmas.
By Christmas, I'll send out everyone's gifts that have been completed so far! If you wish to tell your Secret Santa who you are, feel frere to do it here, on their wall, whatever!

Think of it as a Christmas present

Is there any plan to post the pictures all together publicly (here or anywhere else)?

Hmm. In the beginning, I was thinking of doing that.

I think I'll do that later on, after everyone has their gifts

9 days later

Hello everyone! I hope you all got great gifts this season from your Secret Santa's! If you're up for more art trading fun, I just started one for Valentine's Day. It's like a Secret Santa, but with a twist!

Not only will you draw another person's character, but you'll also draw your own character giving them a valentine's gift.

If you're interested, click here3 to sign up.

Have a good year everyone!

Oh, speaking of Secret Santa. Thank you Santa for my Christmas Gift. heart

I'm going to guess that my Secret Santa was @dracoplato. Am I right? (悜āˆ€ć‚œ)

Yeeeeees, it was me~! I really enjoyed drawing them too~! Such cuties~! ā™”ļ¼¾ā–½ļ¼¾ā™”

Also, thank you to whoever drew my image for me!!! It's super cute and I love it~!! I want to guess it was @Cielle who drew it? I'm not 100% sure, but if it is, thank you XD

@dracoplato yep yep!! it was meee ^w^ I'm glad you like it! Lyall was fun to draw XD

I don't know who drew mine, but thank you!! It's adorable and I love it to pieces!! <(UvU)/

Hi again guys! I love that we are playing the guessing game now, keep it up!

I set up a little survey to see how you liked the Secret Santa and whether or not we should do it again. If you're interested, check it out HERE6

Enjoy the New Year