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Nov 2020

[Secret Santa Survey] TBA

Secret Santa Deadline: December 25th

Secret Santa Reveal: December 31st

Hellooo, it's that time of the year again! Time for the secret santa!

My Intro

My name is JJ and I draw my comic Beautiful Lies7. I've been creating this Secret Santa event since 2015 (I believe??) even when I was on hiatus.
In the Secret Santa, all artists and writers get to draw each other's OCs and see the results on the main site here19. It's a great way to have some fun, find new stories, and test your skills!

Previous Secret Santas: 20195 | 20182 | 2017 | 2016 | 20152

How it Works

Anyone who would like to participate can sign up using the link provided above or here41. In this event, you will be assigned to someone's comic or novel at random and have until the deadline to draw the character(s) your assignee requests in the theme they want. If they give no special requests, it's up to your creativity.

You can specify whether you want to draw or write, but you cannot choose whether you will receive an illustration or short story for your gift. You can specify a preference, but because there may not be enough artists to supply, you get what you get. This should minimise chaos and allow everyone to be included.

The Pandemic

This year is a little different as we all are aware. So, I wanted to add the option of having a theme to the gift relating to the pandemic.

Perhaps it could be how the characters are finding new ways to celebrate the holidays, how they are handling being thrown into a new situation or maybe just their daily lives! It's up to you and your assignee!

This is optional, you're free to specify if you want your gift to have the theme or not. I originally liked the idea of having a host's theme each year but I'm not sure what else I would want to do. I felt this was a relevant topic that could be creatively integrated if one wished.


Make sure you read through these and ask questions if needed.


  • You must sign up through the Google forms link in order to participate in the event
  • You must have an original novel or comic on Tapas with at least one complete chapter that includes the character/characters you want in the Secret Santa
  • You must provide appropriate references, specified in Rules below
  • If you try to sign up with an OC that does not meet the above requirements, you will not be able to participate.


  • For comics: You must have at least one full body, coloured reference of your character.
    • It does not have to be "good," it just needs colour so we know what they look like!
  • For novels: You must provide a (drawn or written) physical description of your character/characters. If you have a unique setting you want your character to be in, make sure to describe this as well.
    • This can be provided through links to specific pages or writing a custom description on the sign-up form
    • Any drawn references need to follow the same guidelines as for comics.

Signing Up

  • In the sign-up, name any special requests
  • Indicate if you want to join the Host theme
  • Specify your willingness to volunteer (if someone drops out, are you willing to take their place and make two secret santas?)
  • After the sign up deadline has passed, you will receive a participant number and everyone will be given a Secret Santa at random.

Before the deadline

  • A week before the deadline, I will message everyone who hasn't completed their works to make sure they are still able to participate. Please respond to me so I know you're still working on it.
  • If I don't receive responses, I will assume you have dropped out and will assign volunteers to finish the remaining secret santas.


When you have completed your piece, email it to me here


  • Please include the following in your email: "Secret Santa" and your participant number (not your secret santa's!!)
    • Drawings can be in any picture format. Short stories must be a Word document or PDF file.

Rule on Dropping Out

People disappear a lot and it can cause inconveniences so I've had to raise issue on this last year.

  • If you need to drop out, for whatever reason, please send me a message on Tapas or by email 5 days prior to the deadline. This gives volunteers time to make a second gift.
  • If you fail to notify me ahead of time or just disappear, your story will not be spotlighted in the Secret Santa.
  • If you do not respond to my messages, you may not be able to sign up for future events.
  • If you think you may not be able to commit or may not be motivated to finish your piece, then I recommend you do not sign up. There's been chaos in the past when people have disappeared after the deadline. It is a great inconvenience to people and as much as I'd love everyone to participate, I shouldn't chance it either.

Point is: know your limits.

Additional Comments

  • I really encourage you read at least a little of your assignee's work. The point of the event is to discover new stories but this will also help you gain a better idea of the characters.
  • Short story word count: Currently, I don't have a word count requirement as I'm not familiar with short story writing. I would suggest following the 3,000-5,000 word count guideline. Keeping it under 10,000 but over 1,000 is the suggestion, but not a requirement, for now.
  • Don't overdo it with requests. You're free to request what you want in your gift but participants can only allocate so much time to the event commission-free.
  • Bookmark this thread for any updates, extensions, changes and for when the results become available.
  • Reply to this thread with any comments or questions you may have
  • Check out the Secret Santa series29 for an idea of what the showcase will look like!
  • Contact me with any concerns or issues

Secret Santa Deadline: December 25th

Secret Santa Reveal: January 1st


  1. Name: silentjjfresh2
    Comic: Beautiful Lies7
    Character(s): any
    References: Mana, Shinya1, Jun1, Otaku1, Matsuya, Fumiko. uniform colors1 -- I never coloured in other characters so if you plan on doing a minor character, lemme know and I can give a palette

    Theme: My story is like 9 years pre-pandemic but I like the idea of including it. No preference.
    Requests: Maybe include a secondary character like Otaku or Evert this time.
    Comments: Those pictures are just for color palette, Mana has never worn that outfit in the comic. Her and Shinya have always been in uniform; just a note if you include them
    Volunteer: Y

  2. Name: MeltingCORE
    Novel : Red Shift1
    Character(s): Stellar, Suli Lux

    Theme: Yes
    Requests: I love the theme idea! Stellar and Suli Lux are aliens so having them react to that would be funny/cute
    Volunteer: N

  3. Name: Freemints30
    Comic: Frequency Overload
    Character(s): Axelle Goselin

    Theme: No preference
    Requests: n/a
    Volunteer: N

  4. Name: Dual Dragons
    Comic: Rise of the Heroes
    Character(s): Andrew, Cate, Ivan, Luna

    Theme: No
    Requests: Preferably I don't want the pandemic to be included in my piece because well, it doesn't appear in my story and I don't want it to affect my gift ^^;
    Other than that anything goes!
    Comments: It's recommended that you look past the art of the first two chapters, as the characters get more dynamic and expressive later on and you'll also get a better look at their personalities.
    Volunteer: N

  5. Name: elyss
    Comic : Oasis: the Rise, Shorts1
    Character(s): Adrian, Cassius
    References: see comic
    Theme: No preference
    Requests: n/a
    Volunteer: YN

  6. Name: DaphnePanda
    Comic: Lycoris Rising
    Character(s): Any
    References: These are the main characters, but I can give color palettes and references for minor characters

    Theme: No preference
    Requests: None. Surprise me!
    Comments: Outfits and hairstyles change throughout the comic. In general, Kai and Luciel both wear more western style clothing while Hisana's and Naota's outfits are based off east asian high fantasy. You can do whatever you want with them though
    Volunteer: Y

  7. Name: Krissy Halo
    Comic: The Misadventures of Supernatural Gamers
    Character(s): Lizzy

    References: If you want more references, go to the Test chapter in my comic. It at least as her shoes in it because the picture doesn't have that.
    Theme: No preference
    Requests: I don't have any. Go and do what you like! :)
    Comments: Just remember to have a fun time!
    Volunteer: Y

  8. Name: WhiskeyClone
    Comic: IDOL:Recalled To The Light
    Character(s): Jung and/or Jong-ho
    References: https://m.tapas.io/episode/18514552
    Theme: No preference
    Requests: No porn/NSFW and no chibi please draw to the best of your ability and try something new :3
    Volunteer: Y

  9. Name: Sarahmcsquish
    Comic: Paw Prints1
    Character(s): Mae Rojas, Dante Rojas

    Theme: No preference
    Requests: Mae and Dante are siblings; as long as that is noted, all is well :D
    Comments: Thanks for putting this together!
    Volunteer: N

  10. Name: drcharlotterodricks
    Comic: You & me
    Character(s): R & C

    Theme: No
    Requests: RPG style outfits reminiscent of the .hack//series
    Comments: Yaaay ^-^
    Volunteer: YN

  11. Name: Girinma
    Novel : Ruby Sea
    Character(s): Ashley, Edwin, Tabitha

    Theme: No
    Requests: I'd like a winter-y theme with any of my kids :)
    Volunteer: YN

  12. Name: Harelow17
    Comic: Anti-Deity1
    Character(s): Harlow

    Theme: No preference
    Requests: I just want the person writing or drawing her to have fun and I want to see their take on my child Harlow.
    Comments: Bye bye!
    Volunteer: Y

  13. Name: Gabbie Wolf
    Comic: Passage
    Character(s): Hadi

    Theme: No preference
    Requests: n/a
    Volunteer: Y

  14. Name: IKI1
    Comic: Daily Life of a Nobody2
    Character(s): IKI

    Theme: No
    Requests: IKI can be drawn in any other style and I prefer no other characters be drawn with them.
    Comments: I hope everyone has fun :-)
    Volunteer: N

  15. Name: kirschwassen
    Comic: Fish in a Tank1
    Character(s): Cassel and Vandyke

    Theme: No preference
    Requests: n/a
    Volunteer: Y

  16. Name: Azifri
    Comic: Terra Prima
    Character(s): Desquicio
    References: Episode 10, pages 1 to 5 can also be used as references for the character (previous pages were drawn in grayscale (https://tapas.io/episode/16638661)

    Theme: No preference
    Requests: n/a
    Volunteer: YN

  17. Name: wnqs
    Comic: The Cat, the Vine and the Victory
    Character(s): Victory and Mysaphia

    Theme: No preference
    Requests: You can use characters in any form you'd like and include extra characters if you desire
    Volunteer: Y

  18. Name: WhoDrew
    Comic: Gamers Guff1
    Character(s): Dave and Ryan

    Theme: Yes
    Requests: No preferences
    Volunteer: Y

  19. Name: Queenie J. Alexander
    Novel : Liability
    Character(s): Dmitri, Rhys, or Thommy (I'm not picky about my boys)
    References: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bmm9e2a2wdeidb6/AAA9poM7A2ic4Z0YGkX8SEjka?dl=02
    Theme: No preference
    Requests: n/a
    Comments: >_<
    Volunteer: YN

  20. Name: misseljebel
    Comic: Monstrosity of a Family1
    Character(s): Melora, Valerie, Juljianna
    References: see comic
    Theme: No preference
    Requests: n/a
    Volunteer: Y

  21. Name: Koreantacos
    Comic: Ivolice and the Emissaries
    Character(s): Faris and or Ivolice
    References: http://ivolice.thecomicseries.com/Gallery/2

    Theme: No preference
    Requests: Go nuts, I don't have any specific requests
    Comments: Fruit cakes
    Volunteer: YN

  22. Name: Tanidreams
    Comic: Tanidreams1
    Character(s): Tanidreams

    Theme: No preference
    Requests: No special requests, please no gore or nudity is all :slight_smile: Otherwise please have fun!
    Comments: This will be very fun, thank you! Looking forward to the event!
    Volunteer: YN

  23. Name: Pilot-Obvious
    Comic: Future Agents
    Character(s): Amy, Maddie, or Major Siren

    Theme: No preference
    Requests: Action or relaxed poses are fine! Important details if writing/details: The story takes place in Chicago. Maddie is a high school student who is in the youth program for Future Agents, while Amy and Major Siren are both full time agents. Maddie has a bubbly personality and loves gymnastics. Amy is very reserved and sometimes a little cold. Major Siren is a bit wild/cheeky and loves to joke around. Maddie is assigned as Amy's partner in the program and they don't get along really well. Amy thinks she's immature and Maddie thinks Amy hates her.
    Comments: Thank you!
    Volunteer: N

  24. Name: Feuersichel
    Comic: The story of Osram1
    Character(s): Osram, Xenon, A'Mara, Xenons mum, Odeliah, Vallon...Or anyone else you like
    References: https://www.deviantart.com/feuersichel/gallery/65261111/my-characteres3
    Theme: No preference
    Requests: I don't have any special wishes, so feel free to let your inspiration flow^^
    Volunteer: Y

  25. Name: Rodimus13
    Comic: Hue Are You?
    Character(s): Nix, Build-a or Query are preferred but any other characters are just fine!

    Theme: No preference
    Requests: The characters can only perceive certain colors at this point- currently Brown, Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Green. We just ask they not comment on colors outside of this if there are spoken parts.
    Comments: If we help with another entry, the writer (Joan) will be happy to write a short story.
    Volunteer: Y

  26. Name: SilverLugia4561
    Novel : The Pirate's Chronicle1
    Character(s): Ryo Astrals, Axel Reyes
    Theme: No preference
    Requests: I would like to leave this open to creativity, ^_^
    Volunteer: Y

  27. Name: The Bigger Fish/Aqua03
    Comic: Edible Green Tea & Alpha Alpaca
    Character(s): Yvonne, Sparky, Charlie, Alpha Alpaca, Ao Kuang, & Selena. (Any characters of mine are fine.)
    References: https://tapas.io/series/Alpha-Alpaca/info
    Theme: No
    Requests: n/a
    Volunteer: Y

  28. Name: gh0stcr33p
    Comic: mirror monster5
    Character(s): josie/xenor/erena
    Theme: No preference
    Requests: go ham
    Comments: I am in suspense
    Volunteer: YN

  29. Name: siluscomics
    Comic: Boku Wa?!5
    Character(s): Any
    Theme: No preference
    Requests: n/a
    Volunteer: Y

  30. Name: Alex L. Curi
    Novel : Lacuna: A Nexus Troupe Novel1
    Character(s): Suri McAlister and/ or Trenton Merrick
    References: https://www.instagram.com/alexlcuri/
    Theme: No preference
    Requests: Keep it platonic please. They're not a couple, more of a father- adopted daughter sort of situation. Otherwise, be free. I wouldn't mind a classic Christmas theme though (pajamas and a Christmas tree or building snowman kind of thing.)
    Volunteer: YN

  31. Name: Rhonder
    Comic: TreasureHUNT!!1
    Character(s): Rudolph
    Theme: No preference
    Requests: Up to the secret santa's discretion! If they would like input/direction though, I wouldn't mind seeing Rudolph in a cool action pose with fire or something :)
    Volunteer: N

  32. Name:
    Volunteer: YN

  33. Name: hariotezawa
    Novel : M.A.R.C.5
    Character(s): Either M.A.R.C. or Jeremiah is alright with me.
    Theme: No preference
    Requests: Do whatever with my characters that would be the most creatively stimulating for you. I'd like you to have as much fun with this as possible.
    Volunteer: Y

  • created

    Nov '20
  • last reply

    Jan '21
  • 93


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  • 50


Frequent Posters

There are 93 replies with an estimated read time of 12 minutes.

I filled the google form in yesterday but I'm not 100% if it registered (I filled it in on phone) and I can't go back to check it. Did it register my answers if I may ask?

I will fill out the form after work but and excited to participate again this year!


If you signed up through the link and got the thank you at the end, your entry should have been received

I'm debating whether or not i should join this year given that I don;t really have any active comics at the moment...

Not sure whether or not I should sign up... could be fun! But I'm not sure if I will have time, December is pretty busy for me most years.

I recommend signing up if you are confident you have the time to make a present for a secret santa.

I'd love to encourage everyone to sign up but we've had issues with people disappearing in the past so that's the stance I take.

Omg, I'm an idiot, I'm so sorry! I signed up via the Google Form but totally failed to provide references for my characters. :cry: Can I somehow add them still?

If you re-open the form from the link it should give you an option to edit

but then it's no longer a secret santa

I was thinking the same thing tbh- my new comic won't be ready to launch before the assignments are given :sweat_smile: BUT I'm still planning to sign up with TreasureHUNT!! anyways, especially since I missed last year's secret santa~ Year before when I participated was super fun @u@

Yeah, because I'm split between which comic I should use. Should i go with EGT, Alpha Alpaca, or the Drachenseele gang even though their comic is still in production (Not counting their prior appearances in DRAGOONS.)

That's fine if you can't edit your previous submissions. Just put in the same information as before so I know it is you