


Hey, I'm Eureka!. I dont have any active comics right now, but maybe I will soon??

Sep 24, '14
Last Post
Dec 5, '16
Dec 30, '19
Trust Level

Omg I've seen so many overused werewolf tropes through seeking out terrible Wattpad stories on purpose...Here are some ones that make me facepalm (although they're more general 'supernatural' tropes and not strictly just werewolf tropes): -becoming a werewolf makes you super attractive suddenly for …

Oh yeah, I already read CQ! I recommend it to everyone haha

Recently I binge watched the second season of SVTFOE and I loooooove it. I'm a sucker for lighthearted fantasy-sci fi comedies with episodic stories and an overarching plot line. Anybody write a comic or know comics that are like this show???

Okay...but as a non-straight person who's seen people like me be referred to by the q-slur and other terms like that, and is often subjected to hearing people talk using terms like that in a derogatory way, those terms kinda are "that bad". You have as much a right as anyone to contribute to this …

Yeah, I totally agree. But also-- on another note because I totally forgot to mention it: One big thing I didn't even touch on in my original post is homophobia against LGBT+ people who aren't cis gay guys. In my experience, I haven't seen the "straight girl writing gay guys but secretly hatin…

Good points all around! I definitely agree that straight writers shouldn't stay inside their comfort zone and should try to diversify their characters. I also agree that anyone should be able to write/draw/consume whatever they want no matter how smutty or whatever it is. I hope it's clear that I am…

I know that everyone's free to create whatever they want, and I don't want to change that. The point of my post was more that it really frustrates me and that it's sometimes hurtful. Also, I really think the "we should all be fine with that" mentality is....hmm. It's ok, I guess, when you're talking…

True true. As long as authors listen to the people they're representing and do their research they can do a great job! (btw, I was gonna put links to some good comics, and you were in it, but then I got too lazy and ended up not doing that lol) See, I feel like I really should agree with this be…

Haha, that's true. And I'm sure none of these people have any bad intentions! However fiction doesn't exist in a vacuum and seeing this type of content everywhere can have an adverse affect on baby gays (like me), and on straight girls who expect mlm to follow their expectations in real life. …

Hey there my dudes. So here's the deal: I'm not a straight person. A big part of the reason why I love webcomics so much is because they often have LGBT+ themes and characters, which I don't get much in mainstream movies and TV (except for kids' cartoons, ironically enough hehe). I know there's a su…

I kinda got carried away with this one, hehe. When I paint I can never tell whether it looks great or horrible lol[image]

[image] Wow!!! I was scrolling through all of the requests and when I saw your characters I knew I had to start with this one, they're so cute! :0

Your characters are so expressive! They've got great faces! Anyway here you go[image]

[image] BAM!!!!!! There you go. Sorry its a little messy. I still like it though

Hey people, I'm on Thanksgiving break rn and want to draw some stuff! Anybody have any characters they want me to draw? I might color or just leave it black and white, I might draw traditionally or digitally, i have no idea. Leave a reference or two and I'll draw them FOR FREE NO STRINGS ATTACHED :0…

??????????????????????? queer girls exist though?????????

Browsing Tapastic for shoujo ai is like finding the needle in a haystack (in this metaphor, the hay is all the gosgdang BL comics). Where's all the GL????? Can someone give me some good recommendations please???? (I'd also like recommendations for comics not in the romance genre that also contains G…

Mine is always, always Paranatural. Nothing like a good laugh and some ghost shenanigans to cheer me up!! [image]

Leppu, the author of AMAZING webcomic Prague Race, reblogged some of my fanart and I screamed for 1000 years. It was amazing. (I immediately screenshotted it lol) [image] [image]

Why though? I mean, it's your choice to think someone's preferred pronouns are strange/unnecessary, but isn't it easier for the both of you to just call them by that pronoun?

Okay so I know it's been months since you posted this but You...you're saying your reasons for refusing to incorporate someone's easy request into your speech around them...is more important...than that person's mental health??

Honestly??? I actually REALLY REALLY love the physical act of traditional drawing, and by that I mean putting lines on paper. I find it relaxing and therapeutic. However, I often find digital drawing tiring. I had a period where I really liked it, but now I can't seem to have fun doing it. In the e…

Tapastic definitely takes GIFs! I think I might know the problem, but it depends on what program you're using. Did you make the gif in Photoshop?

Oh god, that movie is godawful. It got a 1% on Rotten Tomatoes.

So, recently, I was experiencing a disturbing lack of comics to read. I'd gone through my bookmarks, updated my Tapastic reading list, exhausted the staff picks/trending/popular sections on the front page, etc etc. So, I decided to check out Tapastic's sister (rival?) website LINE Webtoon. I found s…

I do the dome of the head first, then the face shape, then nose, then ears, then mouth, then eyes.

How are you going out of your way to remember someone's preferred pronouns? It only takes a tiny bit of energy to remember to do it, and isn't causing you any trouble or harm.

I really like shows with huge ensemble casts--it creates a lot of opportunities for diverse personalities, appearances, etc. It also makes humor feel easier and more natural because the humor is produced by interactions between characters. I especially like stories where there's a main group of char…

oh yes! I love gunnerkrigg smiley