102 / 175
Jan 2021
  1. I am of Mexican and Cuban Descent
  2. I enjoy knitting and crocheting.
  3. I've loved animated media since I was child, which is the reason it is my college major.
  4. I enjoy Fantasy, Sci Fi, Comedy and Slice of Life genres and autobiographies.
  5. I also enjoy photography.
  1. I am a professional puppet maker and puppeteer (check out Barebones Puppets Minneapolis to see pics of the coolest organization I work with!)
  2. I have a BFA in metalworking.
  3. I have a seizure disorder.
  4. I'm 30 years old but I feel like I'm basically average vampire age on here (and I would love to meet some 25+ creators!)
  5. I'm a teacher but sometimes I feel very meh about it.

Here's my comic!

1) I really like rocks. Like, tooo much. I might as well have taken a degree in geology. I could talk about them all day, because there is so many interesting things about them and the science about it. My friends joke about it a lot, but if you gave me a cool rock, literally any rock, it would make my day.

2) I'm short. :frowning: But I dare you to beat my vertical jump! lol I will reach the top shelf without a chair, or I will climb the counter like a savage. I have no shame. XD

3) I'm a lot wiser that I should be. I have had many comments from much older co-workers about my insights on life, responsibility, and etc...

4) I occasionally compose music, but it sounds a lot like Final Fantasy background music. But, I am really self conscious about it and show very few people.

5) I wanted to be an inventor when I was younger, but I didn't have anyone to teach me mechanics. I have self taught myself some simple mechanics which makes me pretty handy around the house fixing stuff. I also worked as an arts and crafts prototype for a museum for a short while where I made a pair of wearable cardboard wing that flapped, a light box, and some other stuff.

Five facts about me

  1. I'm a perfectionist
  2. Come April, I'll be a father to a wonderful baby girl
  3. I can eat as much as you can throw my direction
  4. Fighting games make me mad, but nothing's more satisfying then pulling off combos
  5. I'm always, always thinking of how I can make my stories better. Speaking of ...

Guardium, described as "Mass Effect meets The Illiad," will be going live tonight at 7pm with three episodes. I'd love it if you could come check it out!

  1. I'm from Finland
  2. I've nearly graduated from university where I major in translation
  3. I can speak three languages (Finnish, English and Swedish), and I've studied three more (Russian, Latin and Scottish Gaelic)
  4. One of my hobbies is play-by-post rpgs
  5. My favourite ice cream flavour is vanilla

My novels

My Top 5 things would be:

1) I have a green mohawk-(going to dye it blue soon.)
2) I've worked at six-flags grate America as a wave guard a UPS unloader in the winter and after collage worked as a janitor for a movie theater.
3) I am below average in hight, so I look younger than I am.
4) I have a fear of cats, ever since I was little I was attacked and chased by families cats.
5) I don't like jelly with my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

My Comics:

1) My location, according to tapas, is the eternal abyss.
2) I always draw my characters while they're in development, even though I do novels
3) I agonize over giving my characters the perfect names
4) I've wanted to be a writer since middle school
5) I like to make playlists for my characters.

5 things about me as a creator!

1) I've worked in healthcare (though not doing so currently)
2) I started working on my comic when I was 16 and I'm still working on it at 20 years old! People usually think I'm at least 5 years older than I actually am (my comic turns 4 in July!)
3) I've ran a GSA in my highschool when I still went, and am still active in the LGBT+ community as a non-binary individual myself!
4) I have really bad knees! They pop out for no reason alot! :upside_down:
5) Cilantro ALSO tastes like soap to me! :grimacing:

Here's the link to my comic if you want to check it out !:

  1. Before I started a comic, I wrote a novel in about 2 months. I do not recommend (this process, or the novel I wrote).
  2. I have a dog, who is my son. I used to make fun of this kind of thing, but yeah... after a few years they become your children. I accept it now.
  3. I've been baking all my own bread since the pandemic started, and it is good.
  4. Humor is my go-to coping mechanism. This has led to some awkward situations...
  5. I manage to convince myself that there's somebody living in the walls a couple times a week. Sometimes houses just make unexplained sounds.

Ok first of all I loved your comic A thought a Day Cat. :smile: I subbed! ^^

Things about me:
1. I was born and raised in Costa Rica
2. I've been drawing since 2017
3. I like to tell bad jokes (a lot :joy:)
4. I love cats
5. I'm NOT a morning person :joy:

Here's my comic if you want to check it out :smile:

I. I'm extremely passionate about my art and writing.
II. I'm a big movie lover and critique.
III. I used to live in New York.
IV. I really like 80s music as well as there songs.
V. I've hoped to make an impact or positive influence in a person's life but haven't had much luck.

Honestly so comforting!! I'm so amazed by all the really young creators on here but like... I'm lonely

Nice to meet you too! I'm blown away by all the young creators on here but also like... I'm lonely lol

Great thread.
1.I live in Oxford.UK Very Handsome. Happily married....so back off Ladies! XD
2.Im a full time carer to my beautiful daughter (pmld) and cared for my mother in my youth (terminal cancer) so never been a social type (though easy going) Had ptsd post mothers death but over that years ago. Have a degree in design but carer is what I am.
3.Because of 2 I have this deal with it/get on with it attitude. I don't care much for whiners. But I do care for those who need care. Plan to train as a support councilor for young carers in the future.
4.Ive a weird sense of humour and a broad taste in films/music. I've even attempted to make my own films in the past. cringe
5.started drawing again and started my comic while "shielding" with my family.(also do street photography as a side also)