Sean Scruffy
I write novels and novel accessories. Be sure to check out Guardium: a sci-fi epic which mixes Greek mythology with the likes of Star Wars and Mass Effect.
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- Jan 8, '21
- Last Post
- Jan 19, '21
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- Jan 26, '21
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- basic user
This is my sci-fi epic, Guardium. It mixes Greek mythology and what would happen if divine forces had to coexist in a universe once dictated by science.
I'd be happy to take a look at your work
I love The Interview so much haha. Underrated movie!
If that's true, then I want in
Well, yeah. And thanks for bringing a new perspective on this discussion! I liken most of these stories to comfort food: the potato chips of writing. And this problem certainly extends to novels, too. Characters are more so self-inserts or based solely on their appearance, sexuality, etc. It feel…
If I read one more vampire teenfic, I just might go postal lol.
Yes, there's a genuine lack of risks these days! For every one story I've read that has a unique premise, there are one-hundred with the same foil, the same characters going to the same high school/college. We're no longer in an era of pushing the bar; we're in an era trying to maintain the bar…
I'll double-down on this and say bad critiques are also to blame as they can dilute the prose. Again, this is true for bad critiques, not critiquing in general. I don't know about you, but I've received reviews which spend their time trying to intrinsically alter my writing style so that it suits…
While I agree most writing is starting to feel the same, I don't think it's due to grammar programs. I think the problem runs deeper: strict "do's and do-not's" on things like purple prose, limited mass appeal of genres, and so on. Really, homogenous writing stems from most writers feeling pressur…
Thanks so much! That means a lot
I took a look at your story as well. It's such a creative world, backed by a stellar aesthetic that really sells what you're going for. Carole's a good character to bounce off the wacky look of Ildan and she seems so far to be the most grounded.
I will say the …
Hey, I'm relatively new here on Tapas and would really appreciate getting some feedback on my WIP. In exchange, I'll do the same for yours. Just let me know as I'm open to do up to five chapters. I'm looking for: Reading flow Character likability, and Worldbuilding Looking forward to the…
These rings were stitches, symptomatic of a flawed universe.
Also, if you're looking for a less intense sci-fi adventure, look no further than @nefertitikarismaida and her book, Looking for Hope."
Always looking for a reason to read and even more a reason to share! Since I'm a Tapas newbie, my collection is in dire need of new stories.
Here's my sci-fi epic, Guardium! Subscribe for a sneak peak at Sunday's upload
The Beatles are the most influential band of all time ... ...Too bad I don't think their catalogue holds up all that well.
Can't really say what counts as old these days, but I would recommend, without a shed of irony, the first Die Hard as it's one of the most psychotic action flicks ever made. (And Christmas movie, because it counts dammit!) Others would include: Apocalypse Now, for being a unique adaptation of Jose…
Well met I'll be sure to add your story to my growing collection.
As most of my reader base is still on Wattpad, I find it worth the trouble keeping uploads going so they don't feel cheated.
Btw, I subbed to your story
Awe, don't be. Us fossils ought to stick together lol
That's what I keep hearing. So far, I believe it lol. Glad to be here
And here's a bit more attention! Welcome to the party
Oh yeah, I remember that ~mistake.~ It baffled me, because that was one of the main ways I got reads in the first place!
I'll get around to looking at your work
Sure thing, I'll give it a look
And I agree 100%, Wattpad gives too much credence to fanfic.
I don't want it to die, I just want somebody to cut the fat off that website! I've met so many cool people there; but that comes with a slew of bad review shops and questionable uploads.
The feeling's mutual
I agree with that last part. I pander to no one lol. So far, Tapas is more my jam than how chunky Wattpad could feel at times. And I always favor reads over votes and subs; more genuine feedback and readers who read, because they want to read, imagine that!
"Could you make this more simple without so much vocabulary????" Not as in, "this is bloated and needs trimming." It's more so, "I don't understand these words therefore it is bad." I did have a great review which focused more on honing in my style, and I believe this person gave me one of the…
Sure thing! I'll give it a gaze
Hi, I'm new to this website and in the process of jumping ship from Wattpad.
Any other Wattpaders in the same boat? Post your links and stuff so we can find each other!
I'm an old-timer (25) You're not alone lol