1 / 11
Sep 2024

Hello creators!
I have a question as to how does the ad revenue system works?
I have recently unlocked the revenue tab. I wanted to know how many ads a month will get how much revenue?

  • created

    Sep '24
  • last reply

    Sep '24
  • 10


  • 433


  • 1


  • 8


  • 2


The long and the short of it is: it doesn’t. Two years, three series, over 20k views. Three cents.

To put it into perspective...

From September 1 - 22, I have 60k total views between 4 novels.

13k ad impressions within those views.

I have made 1$ from those ad inpressions :moneybag:

Ad revenue goes all for premium comics, they cant afford to pay much to low life comics and novels simply because there are a million of them.

I have had ad revenue since 2017 and have made a grand total of $66 over that entire time. From 2017-2021 I was averaging about 40,000 impressions per month, then it dropped after one of the new Tapas updates from that time until the present and I'm averaging about 5,000 per month now. How many ads you get per month is a bit random.

Oh god! The bracket is so low🥹
Sure I will sub yours and definitely give it a read. While we're at it, you do read and sub as well​:green_heart:

Hmm.. Sounds fair. So to earn money through webnovels we need to get ourselves premium.
Thanks for the insight!:green_heart:

I'm not doing it for the money. I mean, I wouldn't say no if somebody were to back a dumptruck of money up to my door, but I was never expecting riches.

Same as Thunder, I'm not doing it for money. My motivation is quite literally how much I love working on my story, and the friends I made along the way. Cliche? Maybe, but it's so much more fun that way.