26 / 26
Sep 23

Tapas is down for me to, they will probably fix it soon ^v^

Thank you, Everyone!! Okay, cool. We'll just hang in there then and check on it later or tomorrow. The Tapas team is usually on top of this stuff. :smile_01:

Good to know I don't need to change some obscure settings in my browser or need to insert code anywhere. lol

Oh, thank goodness it wasn't only me. I thought for a second something had happen to my account :sweat_smile:

It's been alternating between super slow and completely down for me on the android app. The website is actually loading okay, but the app has been crazy slow when it even loads at all, forget actually reading anything, I'm struggling just to unlock stuff for reading events

Oh my gosh! I though I was the only one with such a problem! I thought it was my horrible luck today causing such a problem!

Crazy slow here, some comics won’t load all together in app. Fingers crossed their team sorts it out

Yup, seems like they're having issues with web and app. Rest assured, someone's probably aware of it.

They're aware of it; it was mentioned on Twitter.

Thank you all for making me aware of this. I love this comic community and never want to lose it. :pumpkin: :hohoho:

Me too. Tapas is down here, with 500 error.

I honestly thought I was the only one and yesterday the same thing happened to me. :expressionless:

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