21 / 22
Jan 2023

Forest floor was dump and Maria Antoinette's silk shoes strived to slip off her feet.

Her silver locks glistened under the moonlight.

As her eyes dart towards the direction of the noise, she could swear that was the tip of a crossbow retreating into the foliage ...

He was clad in ancient attire, a bow on one hand and a rope across his shoulder; a sight she had never seen before.

"Ne!" yelped the old little man, his lazy eyes going crossed for a moment.

Marie thought of offering the stranger a slice of cake instead; as the kingdom's most powerful baker, "Let them eat cake" was her motto.

She realized she didn't have any food to offer so instead punted the gnome across the forest floor.

The gnome yelped in a high and shrill voice after being slammed into the forest floor, "What are you doing?"

"I-I mean, ne! NE!" He tries to scurry back into the bush, disoriented by the blow to his head.

Disoriented, and unable to focus, he began to cast a terrible curse onto her shoe instead of her 'person'

"Oh no you don't!" yells the girl as she starts using magic to summon a tactical air strike.

The little gnome was flung up into the air out of the bush and cried out,“Neeeeeeee!”

And then in that moment, the diminutive spirit wondered what cruel god had subjected this fate unto him. A glimmer of happiness did burble in the cauldron of his memory as he was hurled: a flaming sword, a blunderbuss, a man. He it was who thought these things.

But alas, a murderous and fiendish being suddenly emerges and interrupted them where they were left petrified by the sound of its footsteps alone and the atrocious aura surrounding it— a demon.

"Neee!!" They cried in unison as they witnessed those spiny horns and blood red eyes of the demon, despair and hate was all they spoke of. Alas! Alas! For such was their fate.. To die in hands of such ravenous creature

1 month later

closed Feb 26, '23

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