56 / 122
Apr 2021

I'm 31! It's so nice to be part of an online community where I'm not the only person who's in her 30's.

Dang I feel like a fetus. I think I'm the youngest person I've seen so far. I'm 16 going on 17 later this year.

Young folks always make me feel so old. Oh, wait! I am old. Not to compete or anything, but I'm so old, Einstein was still kicking around when I was born. :grin:

Woah~ So nice to see mid-20's creators on here~ :smiley: I'm 25, turning 26 in July!

Hey hello! I just turned 25, but most people still think I'm 17 when they see me :smiley:

Turning 25 :frowning:

turning 18 in may

I'm 29.

EDIT: Any of you kind strangers want to tell me how to link the comic with the banner and description? I can't figure it out.

EDIT2: Fixed! Special thanks to the esteemed foxnflames.

I am 29 :sparkles: and will be 30 next Sunday 🥲

Oh geez I guess I'm one of the infants. 18 next month.

21! im baby

22, birthday is in just a few short weeks though :scream:

Also 26 and turning 27 next month :slight_smile:

21, since 2 months ago :point_right::point_left:

Second week of being 23 years old

I will be turning 20 this winter :confounded:
Thanks to everyone, i thought I am too old for Tapas :joy: but I am on the younger site here.