1 / 26
Mar 2018

I think being able to change the color of text would allow for more creative storytelling options. What do you think?

  • created

    Mar '18
  • last reply

    Apr '18
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It's an interesting concept but I worry about those who'd eventually get lost if there's a lot of colors. Kind of like highlighters in school textbooks where rather than emphasizing certain things it became a coloring page. It may be used effectively if not very interestingly by some but I wonder about those who may go overboard with such a feature.

I suppose it's more a matter of personal preference but I hope to see some more text formatting options like font styles or line breaks and things like that. I'm unsure if bold and italics are already a part of the existing feature but then again it's been a while.

I can see a few reason why colors might be useful. Not sure if Tapas wants to open up the possibility of rainbow-vomit novels, however.

I would personally not even attempt to read a book if it looked like six different flavors of sherbet.

You bring up a good point, but I have faith that competent authors would know better than to overuse colored text. I also like the idea of adding more text formatting options.I'm certain it wouldn't be too difficult to implement.

I agree that competent authors would likely know better but I also accept that it doesn't remove the possibility of getting otherwise, especially in potentially high numbers

I think allowing for more creativity can only be a good thing.Sure, there might be some people who would overdo it but if we don't try, we can never know how good or bad an idea it is.

Ehhhh, I'm not sure what use colored font has in novels. Italics and bolding is one thing, but color? Why?

Yes but complaints don't always stop poor behavior. Drastic changes in views an other stats maybe, still there are always persistent types :sweat_smile: But I digress

Well, you have to be creative. Use a different color for a character's inner voice, for a voice coming from a radio or TV, Or if a character has a split personality. Things like that.

Perhaps the reader could toggle whether or not the author's color choices are shown or converted to black.

But... isn't that what italics are for? Eh, idk. Maybe it might be a cool concept, but I'm pretty iffy on it. Nice idea though

This sounds like a great way to quickly identify things I don’t want to read...

I like the idea or being able to use color to emphasize a point but I think it would get abused for sure!

People abuse knives, does that mean we shouldn't have them? I just think it would be better if we did have colored text. We could also have an option for readers to turn it off.

would be a great idea then you would have those assholes that make their text white knowing the background is white as well