26 / 26
Apr 2018

Ehhhh, I'm not sure what use colored font has in novels. Italics and bolding is one thing, but color? Why?

Yes but complaints don't always stop poor behavior. Drastic changes in views an other stats maybe, still there are always persistent types :sweat_smile: But I digress

Well, you have to be creative. Use a different color for a character's inner voice, for a voice coming from a radio or TV, Or if a character has a split personality. Things like that.

Perhaps the reader could toggle whether or not the author's color choices are shown or converted to black.

But... isn't that what italics are for? Eh, idk. Maybe it might be a cool concept, but I'm pretty iffy on it. Nice idea though

This sounds like a great way to quickly identify things I don’t want to read...

I like the idea or being able to use color to emphasize a point but I think it would get abused for sure!

People abuse knives, does that mean we shouldn't have them? I just think it would be better if we did have colored text. We could also have an option for readers to turn it off.

would be a great idea then you would have those assholes that make their text white knowing the background is white as well

27 days later

I've done it.
I've created the first novel on Tapas to use colored text (as far as I know anyways).
And it's some dummy text in rainbow vomit.

So yeah, colored text is totally possible, but probably more trouble than it's worth unless you need it for a cheap gag like this or something.
Next post will be a step by step guide to how to do this with pictures.

Step 1:
Write down your text you're going to colorize. I'm using more dummy text in this case.

Step 2:
Right click and do inspect element or use (Ctrl+Shift+I) to open up the html.

Step 3:
Locate the text you want to change. You'll probably have to open up a few tags or use (Ctrl+F) and search for "data-medium-focused" (no spaces, no quotation marks) and it will bring you right above where your story starts. If you have multiple paragraphs as most stories do, you may have to open a few tags up to find the text you want to edit. In my example, I'm going to turn "Aliquam leo mi" red.

Step 4:
Once you find the paragraph your text is in, click on the < p> tag that corresponds to it. Then click on the 3 dots that appear to the left and find the option that says "edit as HTML" and click it.

Step 5:
Surround the text you want to color with "< font color="red">" at the start and "< /font>" at the end. (But without the quotation marks at the ends or the space between the "<" and the next letter. The forums won't let me type them together for some reason.)

Step 6:
Exit out and you should see the text change color.

You can click on the images to make them larger (I think) if the boxes and text are too small.

If you don't want to use red you can change the color by switching the word "red" to "blue" or any common color.
"< font color="green">"
For more specific colors, you can replace "green" with a "#" followed by a hexadecimal color code.

Don't be put off by the walls of HTML, it's easier than it looks. It will probably still take closer to 2 minutes per colorized section than the hour it took for me to create this tutorial though.