12 / 13
Feb 2019

If anyone is like me at all than there are probably multiple versions of characters you went through to get to the one you have now. I've lived with my charater in my head for a long time, and only recently did I do anything with it other than random drawings. Take a trip down memory land and see what you came up with. Feel free to share anything like alternate powers or abilities, or even backstories.

I'll be posting my older images, and a new re-imagined version of the old style. One of my biggest changes was his last name. Went from Rip Raptor (way too sonic inspired) to Rip Vykirson. This version had armor that contained his dragon abilities so he wouldn't go berserk. The first image is from 2008.

Below: How he appears in my comic now. Which I started in 2018. He still has Dragon powers. But currently he only has access to a strength boost. Only time will tell if he gets something new....

  • created

    Feb '19
  • last reply

    Feb '19
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This is fun! My story actually started as an alternate species, it was switched to humans to fit a wider audience. Here's how my mc looked like before he became a human. He also used to be A LOT smaller.

Here's him now!

Very cool. I also have humans in my comic as well. And assorted fantasy races from all the styles out there.

Ha, this is super cool! I love seeing the evolution of characters!

A lot of my characters originated in forum RPGs. Al lot of them were Sonic OCs at some point. I had a ton of those a while back and some of the ideas I had back then developed into their own thing. A lot of the old pics are purged from the internet now, but I still got this one. It shows some different versions of Silhouette, who later became the protagonist of The Machinist. She had a shadow form, because of course she had.

I made a poster a while ago showcasing these different forms in human form in contrast to how she looks today (the version in the front). It's crazy how much has changed, haha.

The characters for my second comic went through a similar evolution, but most other Sonic OCs got left behind. My second comic is just in the planning stage for now, but the gap between the designs is just insane :smiley:



It's pretty crazy how many people are inspired by the blue blur. I've got a few I'll post later.

Ok. Please, don't laugh.

They are the very first versions of my MC, made in April of 2018, i.e. several month before I've actually started drawing comics. They are very disproportionate and differ from what I have now. I've destroyed most of intermediate versions (they were mostly something in between these ones and current ones), but have kept these first ones because of nostalgia... :confounded:
It has required me some courage to upload them. :persevere:

Alternate versions are uber interesting to read about. It's so cool that time can change a lot of a character's traits while also reinforcing concepts that used to be vague. Nostalgia definitely helps expand on this I think.

My main characters have alternate versions as part of the story. There's an experimental video game broadcast that interferes with something unique in each of them via proxy access. One of the most prominent is Jason and "View".

The designs of Sonic characters are very simple and appealing and it's easy to modify them to your liking. That's probably why so many kids are into making these OCs. It takes very simple shapes but the result can be pretty dang cool. It's the same with My little Pony. I certainly wasn't a kid, when I got into it (I probably was around 20) and it worked on me, so yeah :stuck_out_tongue:

I'm not really the type of artist who change their characters drastically. Usually I know about their appearance from the start, and only subtle details are changing with time (skin tone become darker, color of eyes becomes lighter, etc.)
As for children of Hexameron, I only changed them once. From this:

to that:
So, 6 of them changed slightly, other 4 were probably drawn from the first shot =)

Nostalgia is good! And it will be awesome to look at them after few years. I like how they changed, they kinda look like much younger and more innocent versions of themselves here :slight_smile:

so I have a couple that I can think of. for Erena she used to be part of a previous comic idea that was about wolves, but I ended up anthropormophising her (not as a furry, but she kept the ears for a while). it's pretty complicated because I ended up using her later concept art for another character


and now:

as for the "other" character, this is what she looks like currently

for vyra... uh this is kind of embarassing. I used to be really into undertale, and I would make sprites of her in the style of the game. but once I started developing more original ideas, I inserted her into my own story


and now she's literally just the character in my profile picture

For once I actually have art available for this

So my boy Dimitri


Normal boy in his comic but I play table tops every now and then and sometimes use exsisting characters for funnies.

Game I played was scion 2e , somehow we made it all the way to god tier so I drew some of the party in their god forms. This is dimitri. Then Dhaval, now an Aztec god of frost and ice cause why the hell not?
