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Jul 2022

Hi guys . I'm started writing a novel . Pls do check it out and comment below where to improve and other stuffs .if u like my story add to your list it will huge help for me .thanks in advance . Encourage me to do moreee
Here is my novel link:

  • created

    Jul '22
  • last reply

    Jul '22
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Um...it's a start. And, you will get better as you practice writing. So, make no mistake, I want you to keep putting words on the page.

But...I won't lie...this is pretty bad. I'd put it at borderline unreadable.

You're changing tenses in the middle of the first paragraph, you're telling us everything and showing us next to nothing, your capitalization and punctuation are all over the place, and it's clearly your first attempt at something like this, and it shows.

But, none of us start off good. The best we hope for is to start off good enough. You're not there yet, but with some work, you WILL get there.

(Hell, there was a time in high school when every single story I wrote ended with everybody in the cast dying, because that's the only way I could figure out how to do an ending. So, when I first put pen to paper, I sucked too.)

So, let's get you some resources to help you start improving. First, I've been posting some quick guides on storytelling, talking about what the mechanisms are and how they work, and you can find them here:

I'm also going to recommend a book called On Writing, by Stephen King, which I consider a must-read for anybody wanting to get into this craft (that said, some of what he says, such as about outlines, are not hard-and-fast rules): https://www.amazon.com/Writing-Memoir-Craft-Stephen-King/dp/1982159375/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1L8C3ARERRDZX&keywords=Stephen+King+On+Writing&qid=1658248058&s=books&sprefix=stephen+king+on+writing%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C85&sr=1-1

Keep writing, keep practicing, and I look forward to seeing the storyteller you eventually become!

closed Jul 19, '22

unlisted Jul 19, '22