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Sep 2024

Free visual short story inspirations for all you writers out there! I drew two covers with no context to inspire your creativity. Write whatever comes to your mind when you see these scenes. Go wild and interpret these covers in any way you like. Post your stories and link them here if you wish! Note- the stories you create from this are yours alone. You can use these covers for your story illustration or use it to practice coloring. Have fun!

  • created

    Sep '24
  • last reply

    Sep '24
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The zombie apocalypse is upon us! :scream:

Oh wait... I'm not supposed to take that literally it's just symbolic imagery that is meant to say that there's "zombies" among us... and you can't tell them apart... until they decide to hurt you... :laughing:

Although, zombies are only strong as a regular human wich is not capable of bursting through solid industrial flooring. I get what what you mean.
In this case -it could be a witch, a figment of her imagination, a dream, or even a phantom... Who knows but the beholder.

A dream... how are you even sure if you're living the dream or its really the other way around? Or it could all be an illusion...

Or it could mean facing inner demons in the figurative sense.

Or they can both really be part of a seance or hypnosis or meditation where their minds are transported to either literal hell or a hell of their minds...

Philosophizing I see... Write a short story about it. Make the viewer see one thing-- yet, they realize at the end that they were wrong for seeing it at face value. Not all that glitters is gold and beautiful things is not always safe.

Like I wrote at the top. It's free to use for writers and artists for inspiration or practice. I drew them for this purpose. It depends if you want it to be a zombie or not. That depends on how creative the writer is. Covers are designed to make readers have an expectation (drawing them in) then subverting it in the interior (the aha moment).