90 / 91
Mar 2021

What made you want to make your comic?

Growing up, I was a sucker for anything Marvel, DC, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles related. It was only when I got to Middle school that I realized that I wanted to create comics of my own and flesh out extensive lore within it.

What's your favorite book?

I don't have a favorite book, but I do like the Divergent book series.

What's your next subscriber milestone?

My next subscriber milestone would be to get to 300 subs. I have many series to choose from so that people can look at which one appeals to them more.

  1. What makes any of us want to make comics? I had an urge to make a comic so I spent a bunch of time brainstorming and writing ideas down to work through what I wanted to make. The initial inspiration for Runner was Made in Abyss though
  2. 1984. My favorite book series is Stormlight Archive
  3. 100

What made you want to make your comic?

I have watched anime for as long as I can remember and have always liked creating alternative stories. Little by little I started wanting to do something of my own and when I discovered that these stories came from manga / comics, it all started.

What's your favorite book?

The Eyes of My Princess by Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez

What's your next subscriber milestone?

My next one is 25, I'm currently at 11

1) I guess I always liked both drawing and storytelling and comics are such a neat way to tie these two interests up!

2) War and Peace, it fucking slaps

3) 75 subscribers would make me very happy u3u

Here's mine!

What made you want to make your comic?
I've always been a superhero fan and as such I started creating my own characters around 4th grade. They evolved since then, taking on radically different forms, but one constant was that I wanted to tell stories about them. While comics have always been the best medium for superheroes in my mind, I felt my art was just too terrible. However, after evolving my art to a certain point (in part by creating a different webcomic for a number of years), I bit the bullet and just jumped in with my main superheroes.

What's your favorite book?
Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut. Comic-wise (and superhero as well, since that book is neither), I would say the run of Doom Patrol written by Rachel Pollack in the 1990s. When it comes to webcomics, I would say either Mindmistress by Al Schroeder or Fusion by Essaybee.

What's your next subscriber milestone?
100 subscribers. I'm at 31, but hey I was at 23 to start the year (and I started in 2018), so things could be possible.

11 days later

What made you want to make your comic? Stephen McCranie's Space Boy Webtoon! It so touches my heart, and I just wanted to one day be able to achieve even a fragment of his comic-making abilities. It's a story I will never forget.

What's your favorite book? Anne of Green Gables! Besides the Bible of course.

What's your next subscriber milestone? Ummmm...one. I actually started a website and I need to work on making more content for it so I can build my email list on there.

1- When I was a kid, I always loved graphical medias, such as games, cartoon and comics, I always wanted to make a comic, but, no matter how I tried, I never manage to draw properly, if not just to sketch for concepts, and as time went by, I had always less time to practice or even try... But I found a passion in writing the stories, whenever there was a Essay when you could make a story of fantasy, or even a Essay of a particular Genre, I would have gone all-in, and time by time, I've ended attempt to be a writer, and for 8 years I have been making concepts and draft of 3 different series and stories, and never felt sattisfied, at the point that my actual series is the result of various draft made by merging the salvageable concepts of the failed idea, and I've been rewriting it a few times, before setting down to the final version that I'm now starting to pubblish, thanks to an Artist I originally Hired for the covers, for then attempt to make a "Comic/Novel Hybrid", and make the Prologue in Comic style... only then, almost half a year, I've decide to make 5 one-shot stories to introduce to the Novel, who later became the official script for the Series I'm going to start publish next year here on tapas. In poor words, meeting an artist with a style that fit my story, made me started to pubblish my series.
(Quite a mouthful of an Answer, but I had no Idea on how to summarize it)

2- I would likely say "The Nonexistent Knight" by Italo Calvino, bizzare, but also engagin, at the point that I've read it twice the same day when I bought it (I loved it and read it to death at the point that I've made a tribute reference in my Series much later in the plot).

3- Originally I wanted to answer with the 100 Subs, but I've reached that one around two days ago... so, Maybe now the next milestone is the 250 Subs one!

GENRE: Fantasy, Sci-fi Drama
There are so many people in the World of Gaia, each one of them has a story to tell, of events that changed their life drastically, both for the better and for the worst...
One start, and Five stories, of the preluding events that mark the beginning of the Story, of "The Golden Garden".

Set in a "Fantasy" world with Sci-fi roots, "Stories from the Golden Garden" is a Graphic Novel anthology that, following the Prologue, will tell 5 short stories about a few individuals, all connected by Destiny, while they celebrate 4 Holidays typical of their world, and also with the Origins of the Main Character, and that will all lead to the main story of "The Golden Garden".

Enjoy your stay, Have a nice day!

  1. What made you want to make your comic?
    I love creating and sharing stories to inspire others! I hope my stories will change the world someday!
  2. What's your favorite book?
    I don't have a favorite book! :0
  3. What's your next subscriber milestone?
    I would love to reach 25 subscribers! I am currently at 8!

Here's my comic! Hope to see you there :smiley:

Hi! So, as for me:

What made you want to make your comic?
I've been working as a freelance illustrator for over 10 years now, and have been writing my own stories for longer than that, it seems only natural I decided to combine the two.

What's your favourite book?
Novel - anything Discworld. I also liked Metro 2033 quite a lot. Comic/manga - Fullmetal Alchemist, Tokyo Ghoul, and Bungou Stray Dogs.

What's your next subscriber milestone?
I've got 115 at the moment, so I suppose 150 or 200? But according to what my dashboard says, it's 250.

  1. I really wanted to try making a comedy comic where I could basically do whatever I wanted. And to try using color for once in my comics and try making them look good.
  2. My favorite book is "Can't Hurt Me" by David Goggins, I really recommend this for anyone who wants to better themselves.
  3. I'm at 35 subs and my next milestone is 100 subs.

What made you want to make your comic?
I wrote the story five years ago and neglected it for a while but then one day I felt like this is the time to show it to the world.

What's your favorite book?
Anything written by Jules Verne.

What's your next subscriber milestone?

1) A mixture of wanting to tell a story and improve my artistic abilities

2) The Lies of Locke Lamora

3) 100 subs!

1) I illustrated comics for writers, found myself editing their stories, and I always wanted to make my own. I love most art animations storyboard writing D&D anime manga, games-just passionate about crating and fall in love with the processes.

2) my fav books are the how to think when you draw books :blush: Saga is really good too :coffee_love:

3) 2k subs is my next milestone ( I am not on the app, have to be on a desktop to view)

What made you want to make your comic?
I've always wanted to make comics but this story, in particular, was initially going to be a novel until I was told that I should stick to comics :s
It's a story I feel like I have to tell or it's just going to be screaming inside me forever.

What's your favorite book?
Clovermead although it's been over a decade since I read it I remember absolutely adoring that book the characters and the world it built.

What's your next subscriber milestone?
10 lol

  1. It's been a dream of mine to make a comic for a very long time, now. As far as my current comic, though, I've always loved alternate history, and have been writing stories about historical periods with a twist for a couple years. I came up with the idea for "Project Achilles" after I watched the movie "Overlord" and after listening to an episode one of my favorite podcasts did on Unit 731. I originally tried to write it as a novel, but it became pretty clear pretty fast that it needed to be a comic.

  2. "Mistborn" by Brandon Sanderson - Really great example of a magic system that isn't a cure-all for every problem, while still being super cool.

  3. 25 subs - almost there!

  1. What made you want to make your comic?
    After my previous webcomic fizzled out because I was getting fed up with human characters, I took a break for a year or so and then returned with a revival of some characters I first used when I was cartooning for myself in the Sixth form at school, thirty years earlier. Eleven years on, I'm still going - and this time Smith has an audience outside of school.

  2. What's your favorite book?
    Armistead Maupin's Tales of the City series.

  3. What's your next subscriber milestone?
    Six hundred. I've been stick at just over 500 since the summer.

  1. I've had the idea for my comic since I was getting out of high school. For it to still be with me 10 years later, I figured it must be worth telling.

  2. My favorite comic book is probably Blankets by Craig Thompson

  3. I'd like to reach 50 subs before I hit page 10 in my comic. :blush: