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Mar 3

Hi, I wondered if you have any experience with patreon and if it helps your story getting more readers?

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Patreon is for when you already have a solid fan base and are wanting to offer them a way to support you while also getting exclusive content or early access. For myself, I didn't create my Patreon page until I had been posting my series for a couple of years and had enough readers/subscribers.

Thank you for your answer! At what number did you create it?

If you're asking about subscribers, then the number does't matter.
You should have supporters who like you and your work enough to regularly donate decent amounts of ink here on tapas. Then you may request them to support you directly on Patreon, once you create your account there.

I don't think a Patreon will help you catch new readers, but it will help you to keep the best ones and get them hooked to your story, especially if you offer early access and other perks!I

I had a Patreon briefly around 2015-2016 but then I closed it because of school. I re-opened it last month and it's going slow but steady. I'd say open it and remind your readers regularly it's there, you never know how many people are willing to support you until you actually ask! A big number of subscribers doesn't mean you'll get a huge amount of Patreon supporters (although it helps, of course!), but I'd suggest you to also post on all your social media accounts because every follower counts :smiley:

I started my Patreon in 2018 after I had been on Tapas for 3 years and had started posting also on Webtoon for about a year timing it with a particular part of the storyline. It was a combination of readers being much more engaged with the story at that time requesting more content, and subs, but the number of subs weren't as important as the level of engagement if that makes more sense?

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