23 / 70
Jun 2021

I think that most INTJs are pretty much on the border of this, causing a swing either way.

Close! I'm INFP :smiley: Celebrities with the same include Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr. Our ideal careers are either therapists or drum roll writers! :grin: I guess this explains why I love to write with a lot of emotional depth now that I think about it. I honestly don't seem to find too many other INFPs.

I'd say that you can't find many because INFPs is the only thing rarer than INTJs.

Me! Although I'm on the limit between INTJ-T and INTP-T (actually, all letters had varied among tests except for the "I", but INTJ result is the most common for me).
I guess it's like... I love making plans but I don't necessarily follow them lol Mostly due to anxiety or depressive state, or I'm just too tired, so my routine is basically "yeah I have to do this thing planned, but only when I feel like it". But I'm on the extreme of "plotter" type and I hate having to improvise stuff so I guess it's fair to say I'm the J type.

I think we're very different art-wise tho because I use lots of shortcuts LOL. I'm a perfectionist too but I'm trying to act more rationally by considering if the effort to make something "perfect" is really worth it.

Hey, it's not a shortcut. It's streamlining! :wink:
And yes, figuring out if the effort will be worth to make it perfect, sounds totally INTJ XD

Hello! I’m a huge T that always thinks he's a J

And it gives me some trouble from time to time.
Or maybe I have some sort of splitting personalities???

Anyway I understand how a J works and how you feel.
But I’m a T in reality.

Yes I took the test and I am an INTJ and I do watch rick and morty. tips fedora

I treat personality tests like horoscopes lol I don't take them seriously