I code and draw. Tapas | Webtoons | Instagram | DeviantArt | GitHub
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- Mar 29, '23
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- Apr 7, '23
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I've decided to draw a bunch of storyboards before actually drawing an episode so I can send them to editors/proofreaders, but it's kinda messy to send separate files through discord or something, especially if I decide to reorder the pages (which happens a lot). Simply sending a tapas link with the…
I'm not 100% because I haven't read it but it sounds like https://tapas.io/series/Mismatch-BL/info
For me, it's ancient 3D animation. You know, the type that people use in vaporwave art? It didn't mind them at all when I was a kid, but nowadays I think I overanalyze the thing and I realize the uncanny valley. Stuff like that:
It's Bloodroot. It was deleted by the author. You can try talking to him and ask if it was posted somewhere else: https://tapas.io/LordVincent
Honestly, earning money through webcomics is REALLY hard, but you can just earn money with something else and then use this money to hire an artist. I consider doing this myself if I ever get a good job in software development, even though I AM an artist myself. I just think that drawing a comic is …
I can only think of Countdown to Countdown: And Colorless:
It passes fine. I've seen a fully naked butt on a comic that is available on the app (they used mature tag tho, but I don't think it's necessary in your case at all).
The only thing that matters to me is the origin country. If it's japanese, it's manga. If it's western, it's a western comic. Regardless of art style.

Thank god I'm not the only one lol I wonder why is that
If you saw this in context related to collaborations, then it was probably not because they're the writer, but because it's their idea getting executed. If it's your idea, your project, then you're the one who should be paying, no matter if you're an artist or writer. However, it's very rare for an …
Was it premium or free to read?
It doesn't have to be a commission post, I just posted a simple comic panel and FOUR spam comments appeared at ONCE. Probably anything with art tags will attract them. And I never interacted with them, I've always deleted and blocked them immediately, but they still come. Instagram has been so f*ing…
this one?
Some people reported having visibility problems when uploading an episode with mature tag. The staff manually reviews those, and only then they appear on the fresh section (burried after all other comics that update after them). It shouldn't be a problem for those who already follow you, though. And…
Man I have the same wish and the same fear lol And I do have a considerable number of subs (2k here and 6k on WT) but they are quite silent despite having some regulars, and I'd rather not assume that all regulars are going to ask something. My approach last year was to do something similar: a FA…
You don't need to know 3D modeling! I know shit about 3D lol For indoors, I use Clip Studio Paint models and add external furniture from free sites. They don't need to look exactly like you want them to, it's just for reference. For outdoors, I build the thing on The Sims and then I take screenshots…
Idk if it's going to be useful to you, but when I know that a panel is going to take me a long time and I really don't feel like spending hours to get it right, I start by: -Setting 3D models for background and poses (I once made an entire storyboard with screenshots of 3D scenes, and then I went st…
I had a fan translate my comic to Russian, but the site has been down for a while
And I consider a lot translating it to Brazilian Portuguese, which is my native language, but damn it's too much work lol And I don't have many followers from Brazil, and those I have can also read in English so it…
Oh! Sounds a lot like Traceless Knight.
Me! Although I'm on the limit between INTJ-T and INTP-T (actually, all letters had varied among tests except for the "I", but INTJ result is the most common for me). I guess it's like... I love making plans but I don't necessarily follow them lol Mostly due to anxiety or depressive state, or I'm ju…
I'm 90% sure the comics feed is algorithm based, so it's expected to have lots of BL and the same already-popular titles because that's what the readers read. There are a few titles that are hand-picked though, but these ones are marked with a yellow "staff pick" tag at the bottom, and they aren't a…
Me too!! Actually I'm more like... I start sketching, but my sketches end up quite clean so I just leave it like that and call it a line work lol
I always show them, my characters' emotions depend 100% on their eyebrows to be clear. I only hide them if I deliberately want to hide their emotions, and in that case I usually hide the eyes too. But normally, no hair has the power of hiding eyebrows. Not even eye patches have! [image]
I voted complete plotting because I write a very detailed script for the episode before I draw it, but not for the whole comic. My process is something like: 1. Outline the whole story 2. Detail outline for the next couple of episodes 3. Script the next episode (including dialogues and shot angles f…
I just got my first job last month!! I'm teaching gamedev theory and programming.
Maybe the difference is what kind of "thought" we're talking about? When I have to split a scene, I try to end each part with a small punchline or a pause, sometimes I reorganize the script or add/remove one or two panels to achieve that. But the actual "thought" that I wanted to resolve was the b…
[:cry_02:] I can only dream of that (my max is 2 pages/week, and I still need a good buffer) Exactly!! I wrote my story to be read in one go, so it's optimized for that and assumes there are no pauses... If I keep adding stuff at the end of every page it's gonna feel weird to binge-read it. …
That's a good alternative too. Honestly, if I was starting a comic now, I'd have done at least a whole volume before I start publishing it. But I already started it, and it would need a loooong hiatus (like, years long) to do that now. Wouldn't that be bad for the algorithms anyway to suddenly pause…
Some my readers are pretty forgetful too and I can't even blame them because I'm the same [:cry_01:] I was actually thinking of leaving some reminders in the episodes, for example everytime some character mentions something that occured in an episode released 3+ months ago, I leave a small author…