31 / 70
Jun 2021

Me! Although I'm on the limit between INTJ-T and INTP-T (actually, all letters had varied among tests except for the "I", but INTJ result is the most common for me).
I guess it's like... I love making plans but I don't necessarily follow them lol Mostly due to anxiety or depressive state, or I'm just too tired, so my routine is basically "yeah I have to do this thing planned, but only when I feel like it". But I'm on the extreme of "plotter" type and I hate having to improvise stuff so I guess it's fair to say I'm the J type.

I think we're very different art-wise tho because I use lots of shortcuts LOL. I'm a perfectionist too but I'm trying to act more rationally by considering if the effort to make something "perfect" is really worth it.

Hey, it's not a shortcut. It's streamlining! :wink:
And yes, figuring out if the effort will be worth to make it perfect, sounds totally INTJ XD

Hello! I’m a huge T that always thinks he's a J

And it gives me some trouble from time to time.
Or maybe I have some sort of splitting personalities???

Anyway I understand how a J works and how you feel.
But I’m a T in reality.

Yes I took the test and I am an INTJ and I do watch rick and morty. tips fedora

I treat personality tests like horoscopes lol I don't take them seriously

its the same for me when this thread came up... like a normal questionnaire [q&a].

I've taken the test a few times over the last year and I'm always an INTJ!

Nah, I don"t. I remember taking the test years ago and got INTP and took it immediately again and got ENTP. To be fair, tge I was like 2% and the E 3% XD; so both were pretty close.

I ended up getting INFP, aka the hippy one.

Tho I don't really think I am an introvert...

Not an INTJ but and INFJ!

:joy: I can't remember what letter came after like for the hyphen part because it's been a while. But I remember reading that apparently MLK was also an INFJ?

I am INTP-T and also a perfectionist ( 1 type from enneagram personality chart - look it up, it's cool and more simple than MBTI).
I also have a simian crease on both of my hands.
Ain't I a genius?))

Hi I'm Type 5!

Sure but make sure you don't get your ingenuity [genius-ness] be manipulated or enslaved by others.

This is a threat...just kidding. Don't know if you get my joke, right?