20 / 37
Jan 2023

Thank you so much! I love your banner as well. I can't really explain why, but it makes me nostalgic for classic cartoons. Looks like I'll be giving Galactiquest a read! :blush:

Thank you! Yours is really cool as well. I love how the character poses convey a bit of their personality! And the color helps set the tone, too.

I think it looks great! It reminds me of older Final Fantasy art, where they'd put many characters portraits side by side. Nice choice in color too. Really helps each portion of the picture "pop".

Oh these are all really good! I'd actually checked out your series from another thread and really enjoy the premise. Looking forward to reading more.

Thank you!!! We're working on rebranding atm, but we got a sick storyline prepared when the hiatus is up. Be prepared. :eye:

@aarcadeegaming That Void Garden poster looks awesome love the wild colors and font, gives me a game vybe. The effect you got on the falling character really draws you in too, is it one of those that work with 3d glasses? Cool either way, keep it up :thumbsup:

Here's a fave, it's the comic series banner. It will update as more characters get revealed-

There's also a scrambled word puzzle in there for that one guy 'who is unrelated to states of matter' see if you can figure out the superpower XD

Title is I'm Not A Sick Boy' but left it out since Tapas puts the title below banner :video_game: :video_camera:

I've gathered a few over the years. Here they are going from oldest to newest.

Long Post

^^^Very first promo drawing, this was back when I started working on my project. I wound up taking out the 'VOID' bit later on because it was unnecessary, and made my long title longer for no good reason.

^^^Crowdfund version

Thank you! It's a chromatic aberration filter I'd applied over an otherwise flat image, so I don't think it'd pop as a 3D image. It'd be awesome to be proven wrong though. Sadly it seems I've misplaced my 3D goggles...

I love that banner! The idea of using different states of matter as a power (hope I'm interpreting that right) is a fun and unique idea. Keep bringing these awesome ideas to life!

These are great! I'm going to guess that your series may not actually be a proper guide to a healthy relationship?

Thank you!! I think the coloring part was the most fun to do xD I love going wild with the color schemes.

Chromatic aberration, still looks awesome :thumbsup: Lol hope you find the 3d goggles XD
Who knows 50% chance they work lol
Was always curious how they make those 3d images, wld be fun to try one day

Many thanks on the banner, yep you interpreted that right :smiley: :thumbsup:
The characters powers are based around states of matter and the forces that affect them
Thanks for thinking it awesome, will take your word and keep working towards it :pray:
And same, just checked out the Void Garden love your character designs already, looking forward to more of Dorem and Baxter!

1 month later

closed Feb 20, '23

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