6 / 25
Oct 2019

I plan to add a few references! Right now just cameos from friends and their OCs, but once the opportunity comes I'm thinking of sneaking in nods to the comic's inspirations without taking too much attention on the panel.

Same, that was the idea behind my Easter eggs. A nod to my favorite author.

I put some in small details in the art and been leaving it up to readers to figure out what some of them will eventually mean.

Oh, yes. And they run the gamut from subtle (an "extra" here or there is someone I know) to, well, a guest appearance by characters from the Avengers and Beetle Bailey as well as other tributes to favorite creators.

I do but it's usually to hint at what I'm going to write next or what I've written before, though it's always subtle, so I don't think anyone ever notices. :joy:

Yes! They are not references to other works or pop culture, they are hints of what will happen next or who is the villain hiding in plain sight.

Yep, I have references to works contemporary to the time my novel is set in. My character owns a copy of Journey to the Center of the Earth and she goes to watch A Trip to the Moon. None are referenced by name, but are described as such.

“Exposure to iron can lead to loss of one's abilities, as well as headaches, nausea, and skin irritations - where the metal touches. If the exposure is prolonged, it can lead to madness and even death.”

-Medical Journal of J. Towers

This is how i did my easter egg. The quote is all my doing. And I made up the medical journal too. It is just the name J. Towers that is my easter egg :slight_smile:

Oh, nope! It's like characters from another story, whether that be a past or present one! Thanks for the info, cheers! :tapa_pop:

I don't put easter eggs in my current series, but in a previous set a dead rat made an appearance somewhere in every page.

You can play game with my comic, try to find all zodiac signs symbols. They are scattered in the backgrounds and udes in design of things, lol. I guess that's kinda easter egg.

Yup me too. But mine are so small, it's really hard to notice.
By now, no one notice it. But I also don't have many people that read it. Maybe someone notice it in the Future :slight_smile:

I love whenever the topic of easter eggs comes up because I'm 75% sure The Power of Stardust is going to be the webcomic champion of easter eggs since every character seen is taken from a public domain comic.

I hide things and places in mine that people in my little subculture would notice. But not that members of the public would spot. I doubt that counts as an Easter egg... maybe?