38 / 38
Sep 2022

You should BD Well, I suggest you do it since it's a nice way to pull readers to your stories :eyebrows: I didn't want to use instagram before lol (I opened an account a few months ago) but some people started reading my story because they found it on instagram!

You can make videos of pieces of your comics and upload them to reels or your stories, as a public profile you can reach others as long as you use appropriate tags :tapa_pop:

Just upload anything once a day and that should help you thrive there ^^ I don't like the format but I'm still using it since it does help.

Gotcha! Probably something I'll start doing after I make some more progress with my actual story (and once I stop sucking at technology XD)

I'm starting to slowly give up on Instagram but if you can give any of my post a like that would be great. Also if you like my stuff please follow I was hoping to reach 1K this year but 600 by the end of September is reasonable enough.


Ohhh niceee, I like your art style BD I'll follow you, though, don't worry, you don't have to follow me back if my art style isn't your favorite B) still, thanks for sharing!

1 month later

closed Sep 7, '22

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