14 / 14
Aug 2023

I write a lot of LGBT, Gay, BL stories. They are often wrapped up in what I'd like to believe are unique scifi or fantasy worlds, but they tend to be pretty gay lol. I appreciate those who have read my stories on Tapas, but I'm wondering if there is a better place to post my kind of stories so I can get more readers.

I know there are plenty of other sites that allow BL stories, but do you guys know any places where that kind of content tends to flourish?

  • created

    Aug '23
  • last reply

    Aug '23
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Well, if you want something specifically for gay art/comics you can always try Y! Gallery4. it is an adult site at it's core, but there are more than plenty of SFW art on there that is just as appreciated as the 18+ stuff, and a lot of people post comics on there. It's also specifically for BL content, they have strict rules about that being the only thing you can post there, you can also block out the NSFW stuff if that makes you uncomfortable. The best way to do comic stuff is to make a project1 for the comic to keep things organized, then whenever you post a new page you'd put a 'beginning', 'previous', 'next' 'latest' link. The only thing that really sucks is you'll have to update the 'latest' and 'next' links on previous pages whenever you post for easy readability. I myself only added a 'latest' link to the first page/cover because I was too lazy to go back and edit allll the pages when my archive got larger, but if you feel you can keep up with that, go for it.
They also allow written lit if I remember right, but I don't know how that feature works.

Also when you post pages you'll have to be sure to include the 'project' so they get added there, kinda like when you include those club things on DA, or communities on Pillowfort. ALSO also if you're under the age of 18 I'd advise you not to join, they will find and ban you because it's a no kids zone.

Other than that I can't think of any comic/lit site that is super gay, it would be kinda cool if someone made a webcomic site specifically for queer comics, I imagine a lot of people would get butthurt. Lol

Two writers who publish BL novels have highly recommended Ritoria to me, it's a small but friendly community, it even has a forum similar to this one. I've never written anything there, but you could try. :thinking:


Tapas is actually the best platform I've found for LGBTQ+ comics. I made it my primary platform specifically because it's probably the platform with the largest active readerbase (partially due to being big enough to have not just a site, but an app, so it has a few million users) that goes to lengths to promote that sort of content and has titles like Heartstopper, Magical Boy etc. to draw in readers looking for it. It even has a dedicated LGBTQ+ category and features a large number of works for Pride every year.

If you're struggling to get readers on Tapas with queer-themed content, it's probably more to do with how and where you're marketing. Tiktok seems to be a good start, and taking part in events on the Tapas discord.

I probably should have specified I was referring to writen works, not drawn comics.

I hear you, but I was more so referring to a place for writen works. I could be wrong, but I feel like Tapas is geared more for its comics than it's novels, which is fine of course. They have to make something their focus. And I have found a bit of success for my stories despite whether Tapas is more comic focused or not.

I'm not saying it's a bad platform or that it hasn't helped me grow. I just have this itching feeling that I could do a bit better somewhere else. I just don't know where that place is.

And its also because my "gay stories" aren't quite what Tapas pushes either. For instance I write lgbt romances but they aren't very... they aren't...I don't know exactly how to put it. I think we all know the brand of "gay" that is most popular here. I'd call it a softer, more tame thing than what I usually put out. I don't do the anime, or chibi kind of sweet stuff. Or if I do it's rare. Youd be hard pressed to find a single chapter of mine that doesn't have some amount of swearing, fighting, sex, p**s, s**t, blood, vomit. I don't necessarily lean into those things gratuitously, but I don't shy away from them where perhaps Tapas might.

My characters can be very bad people with hard edges, sometimes without many good qualities. I've even taken down several of my stories because I honestly felt they were too hard edged to catch on here, some of which weren't even LGBT, they were just...not the fluffy "you know it'll end well in the end" kind of stories. I appreciate Tapas I just don't know if it's the best fit for my content sometimes...but then I don't know where else to go.

Lol I didn't mean to rant (but I think I did) but do you know what I mean?

Ahh, I see... well, one thing you could try, if it's just for Novels, not comics, is Radish. You have to apply, but I have heard it's good for more mature queer works and makes better money for novelists than Tapas. Worth a shot?

I'll check it out.

Side not, despite being in my 20s, I am a tech idiot. A true failure of my particular generation. Couldn't tell you how to use Twitter or Instagram (tho I'm still trying lol) but you mentioned advertising on Ticktock? How do you go about promoting there? Or does it work best for comics rather than novels?

The best idea I've come up with is maybe putting a voice over of an excert of a chapter over a book cover. But if vids are meant to be short there I'd be afraid nothing would be long enough.

Idk. Technology and social media are my life's antagonist.

I can try my best, while having a chuckle that a twenty something is asking somebody closing on forty how to use tiktok :sweat_02:

The funny thing with tiktok is that crap quality is not only fine, but seems actually well-liked. Like literally point a camera at your screen, overlay some captions and pick a trendy song and people will watch it for some reason. If you have artwork of your characters, film them with shaky cam in time with whatever silly quote from something is trending at the moment and you're set. Voiceover might work too. Mostly just keep it simple and rough for Tiktok.
On insta, twitter and bluesky, try making some nice images with quotes from your novels in a fancy font on a tasteful background. That seems to work well.
Use the fact that you're also an artist to your advantage to make some nice visual promo assets, it really helps.

I recommend looking at what dogshitjay, the creator of the popular BL novel "Kiss it Better" does on places like Insta and Tiktok, because they're really good at it.

As I said, they do have a section for written lit, I just don't know how it functions personally.

Although I understand if you want a site only for written lit since some folks like keeping visual art and writing segregated due to the latter getting overshadowed. In that case I have no idea where you can go, but I wish you luck!

Yeah more so for something completely dedicated to writing. But I'll still check it out, could be a good pool to test the waters.

Lol yes I am 26 years old, but I live the life of a particularly old man.

But to be honest social media and me have just never clicked. I know it's a crucial part of everything but part of me always feels idk disingenuous for trying to sell people on things. And then to use social media I have to be on social media and personally I don't enjoy it. I have a bad habit of comparing myself to others, and social media makes it hard to avoid.

On top of that, as creative as my stories might be, I'm probably a wet blanket when it comes to hyping myself or my work up. It always feels like bragging, but I shouldn't be bragging if I'm not as successful as such and such.

"Stay humble, but make people look at your thing."

And I hate that I'm self aware enough to know I'm my enemy in my head, but I guess that's my "thing" that I have to get over.

...and there I go ranting again lol

I get you. Having to be your own publicity person is a pain in the arse, and it's my least favourite part of being a professional creative.

The thing that keeps me going is I see the absolutely useless people who get ahead by being really good at making contacts and promoting themselves and I think, "Screw it! They don't deserve this more than me! I've worked really hard, dammit!" It helps me feel motivated to do it. :sweat_02: