1 / 19
May 2017

Hello! So I'm starting a new chapter for Aiiro No Kunoichi27, and I'm anticipating there being a number of background characters showing up in this one. So I thought it might be fun if I included a few cameos from other comics!

A few rules:

  • The comic takes place in the real world, so the characters have to be human (or at least easily made to look human)
  • It's going to be taking place at a high school, so teenagers are preferred (or, again, close enough that I can pretend they're teenagers)
  • My comic is in color so please provide color refs if you can
  • You can specify what your character is like/what they might be doing if you like
  • It might take me a while to find a place for your character, if I find one at all, so apologies for that

And that's about it! Let me know if you're interested. smile

  • created

    May '17
  • last reply

    Aug '17
  • 18


  • 2.4k


  • 13


  • 6


  • 20


It might be interesting to see my main protagonist from Marked2 in it and in a differently style :P.

Plus he's already in college so it's a win win on that front, lol

Can do, though this post reminds me of something I forgot to mention: my comic is in color, so if people can provide color refs of their characters (or at the very least let me know what their hair/skin/eye colors are) I'd much appreciate it!

Here is his color pallete for skin, eyes, and hair


Coi's a little furry to pass but Jankie (on the right) would try and he'd most likely be tongue kissing an alligator while thinking about pizza.


Ooh, yes please! They haven't appeared in any comics yet, but I've got a bunch of cute high-school girls you can use!
You probably don't want to use Head-split girl, though, if you're going for a realistic kind of thing.

You can find their full bio cards, with personalities and color refs, at:

Jonny Regionson Jr./The J-Man1 is a teen in high school so he'd be a great fit. You's probably want to use his civilian look on the left.

Also, you don't have to but Sleepy Bear (the sidekick) is usually hiding in his satchel.

The character i'd want to throw in is Shane from my comic Harmony Monsters. His main attributes are that he has green dread like hair, has a green crystal necklace and has a hearing aid in his right ear. Other than that, he's pretty flexible clothing wise. Also he's a transguy but depending on what you'll do with him, it's probably irrelevant.

9 days later

Whoa, I did the thing!

@aspiderjonny I included Abe too because I wanted a friend for him to talk with and he was convenient. Huzzah!
@blazerdominator I took some liberties with their outfits and color schemes, hopefully they look okay!

The full page is up on my main website, and should be up in a week here on Tapas. (Still a bit behind here, haha.) Hopefully I can do some more cameos soon! :smiley:

8 days later

Here are my two characters Ryan (the tall one 6'7) and Derec (the shorter one 5'8) I'd love for you to draw them if you're still doing this

Ryan is a grouch and hardly ever smiles and Derec is pretty outwardly relaxed.

Hey ! I will link to the tag on my Tumblr. There is Clovis6 (You can change the way her prosthetic look and you don't need to put her veil(there are drawings of her without it)). She's 16/17.

Max (on the left) could work for this. He's a junior in high school, and he'd totally be the quiet kid in the back of a classroom, trying very hard to not fall asleep (if he didn't fall asleep already, he's a tired and nervous boy).
Or if it's a not-classroom scene but somewhere where people are standing up, then he'd probably be talking to thin air (actually talking to Dave but he's invisible to everyone else, being a ghost and all)

This is a pretty old reference but it still works pretty well. These guys are from Guardian Ghost1

13 days later

Whoa, you actually got their colors pretty much down pat! I'm impressed! Their personalities are also just as I would've imagined, great work!
like seriously, kuruko's clothes are exactly the colors they're supposed to be how did you do that without reading my mind

14 days later

My OC Emmaleigh :>

or Lillian her sister

(^^^She has green eyes I haven't drawn her with her regular hair in a while, she usually wears a long pink wig with straight bangs and she's really skinny and likes pastel goth lol)

1 month later

I took a bit of a break, but I'm back! And I didn't forget about the cameos!

@mannykat8x Here's Max from the latest page! (Which will be going up in about eight hours EDIT: it's up now!1) Hope you like it!

And for everyone else, I've still got plenty of chapter to go so there's still time for more cameos!

Maybe you can cameo Ryu? He's a fire-user, wants to be the very best, your typical shonen hero type, but he's not the hero. Not even close.